
Celebrities never want to start from the bottom (city council, county board, state house), pay their dues and learn how the system functions or doesn’t function from the inside. No, they want the top job as fast as possible. No more celebrity politicians.

Unlike many commenters here, I typically have patience with the Kardashian family. They just don’t get under my skin much. But this shit is beyond the pale to me for some reason. I guess I hit my cap. The idea of a 37 yo woman hopping on Instagram live to “prove” her body actually looks a certain way is INSANE to me.

Maureen Dowd in last Sunday’s Op Ed in the New York Times.
“Matt Gaetz is everything the Republicans were looking for in Hunter Biden.”

Lament how Britney Spears was treated, then pick pick pick away at Pete Davidson?

“Nothing in america is old enough to be anything, historically.”

Ashley, as terms and phrases change over time, and since I’m old and decrepit, I thought your headline was urging Warren to bang this nerd.

The testimony of the off-duty Minneapolis firefighter who happened to be there is so damning. The cops refused to let her administer first aid to Floyd despite her increasingly desperate pleas-she even offered to coach the cops through the first aid process from a distance. They told her that if she really is a

Right and if people had stepped in, they’d get their asses beat and arrested too.

it's 2021, he can have inappropriate relationships with boys AND girls!

As I understand it, wearing a mask when you feel under the weather but can’t avoid being out in public is the standard thing to do in Japan. The rest of the world really ought to emulate it. I know I will be from here on out.

If you’re dumb enough to choose a lavish wedding over home ownership and financial security, you deserve to have a pandemic ruin your wedding.

At this point, I avoid any post about Depp because of all the "SHE was the abuser, he's the real victim" bullshit comments.

Republican men are gonna feel like real man when a male nurse such as myself is sticking a catheter up their urethra. Then wipe down every inch of them every day.

This is an interesting French dialect you speak. 

Defunding the police would not defund the types of cops who respond to active shootings, just the ones that shoot mentally ill people in crisis (AKA, take some of that police money and provide to social workers/mental health professionals because they are much less likely to murder someone in crisis). But I’d wager

Dr Phil can go DIAF. I'm very mad that Oprah turned him (and fucking Dr Oz) into a thing. 

Famous for reasons that no one living can remember

I’ve been pretty dismayed at how many people are focusing on trying to parse out whether his issue was with Asians, women or sex workers, as if it couldn’t be (as it clearly was) all three. Captain Baker, the women were targeted for being Asian AND female AND sex workers, FFS. /an Asian female sex worker 

They desperately need to change the definition of rape! (as well as the age of consent.) I just read Consent by Vanessa Springora (a must read) and it was quite...illuminating on French rape laws.

Honestly team no one here.