
every time i watch a video of someone demoing one of these super simple synths, i get so excited. then when i play with one i can't make shit. GODDAMN THESE PEOPLE WITH SKILLS

I think the upright positioning of the harddrive probably makes it more vulnerable to getting knocked off a desk, especially when jittery from doing a line of cocaine off the glass surface.

Yea I never leave a washer or dryer running when I'm not home.

Oh, man. THAT'S THE NEXT HIPSTER CRAZE! There's nothing more ironic than a skinny lumberjack wearing a neon fanny pack.

So, now is the time to market a fanny pack with microfiber pocket inserts.

Acid is so much about set and setting... I for one would love to dose again now that I'm older, wiser, etc... LSD was never a great party drug.

I'm a 50 year old adult with three kids of my own. If I want to drop and probe my own subconscious, I have earned that right.

Last time I did it, I was in Venice for Christmas in '01. A little advice: check the tide tables if you want to do acid in Venice; otherwise, you will wander aimlessly in the cold rain through a yard of water till you notice you've been walking back and forth in front of your own hotel for 3 hours.

The difference is that the 2nd amendment gives more power to the people (to fight a potentially abusive government), while the All Writs Act gives more power to the government (to potentially abuse the people)

I can't believe he was able to work out the weight and balance on a 172 after figuring for his huge brass balls.

Abandonware is not actually free to download. Sure no one might care to sue you, but it is still illegal. One of the biggest flaws of our current copyright law.

Pretty sure it was his dying wish that we release a new one every year; make only superficial changes to the previous version, and tout it as a revolutionary upgrade to the now obsolete original.

It comes with special countered pants to compensate.

You forgot this development mule pickup spotted recently in Auburn Hills.

Shouldn't the Rebele come with a flat hood so it's easier to slide across?

Never change, Jason. Never change.

Whoever made that 458 "Eagle" has been playing a lot of F-Zero recently.

Octopussy! Roger Moore! 1983 was ahead of its time. Or shall I say.... abreast....!

Otherwise known as advertising...on your $850 phone that you pay monthly to use...