
If the gloves are off, then you must...oh, I give up

He’s like Emmet from the Lego Movie. Without any of the endearing qualities, of course

“Charged Cushioning?” What does that even mean? Were they designed by Tesla?

This man must be stopped. Think of the children! No seriously, think about the children with their small mouths desperately stretching, the painful tearing of that little bit where their lips meat and their horrendous, disfigured jaws. He’s the Mengele of candy-bar eating.

A double? You mean he hit it over the fence and collapsed at second?

Nice try Jack, but I’m not sure an insanity defence is going to fly on this one

In the case of Qatar, are the workers counted as one person or only 3/5?

See, this is why the whole One-And_Done thing is a tragedy. This kid should have stayed all four at KU and *earned* that degree in communications

No UN?

“The ball was stuck in his spine somehow”

So is this a great catch or was he woefully out of position? I’m more than happy to give him props, buthavin g been the beneficiary of favorable context as a child, I’d like to see his ability correctly judged

Play by play guy needs to vary HR calls from “See ya!”

You’re not wrong; my quibble is the fact that the contents of the table (standings with caveat) doesn’t match the wording of the title (“Most Wins”).

What does addition have to do with it, really? If the headline is to show Most Wins, the graphic should show it. If you were to retitle the graphic as “Record When Trailing by 15 or More Points” and leave the rest as is it would by okay. This is 6th grade lab report stuff. If simple and clear statistical

Yes, the scarecrow thing is impenetrable.

Ideal outcome, if you ask me.

“Oh hey, Neighbor, bit of an emergency. Mind if I use your woods?”

You don’t saute and include giblets? I’m not sure what to do with this information.

Seriously. Cheeze-Its, people?

Seems like the number one over all pick celebrating by being the ass everyone suspected him of being is a thing now.