Haha, me too :)
Haha, me too :)
Well, he is really really really ridiculously good looking.
Hogwash. Who would want to bang Ted, anyway? He's the worst.
I'm annoyed that they forced this whole Robin and Ted thing to happen.
Yes, I am in class reading this and had to stifle my laughter when I read it in the article and then again in your comment. AMAZING.
I'd rather see at least one cat article per day...
Jinxie cat, Jinxie cat, where are you? I love you.
OMG I was looking at the cutout of JLaw and thought OMG SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE JLAW. Aaand I only realized that the person next to the cutout was the person in question after reading your comment...
The headline punctuation makes me smile.
Trader Joe's carries it, if you're in the US.
YES. If I [female] hold the door open for you, I am being polite. Please walk through the fucking door - I am not emasculating you. /end rant
I actually had the opposite reaction and found the woman's signs... unpleasant. In a way I find the man's signs comforting because I worry that on some level a man might really believe that, because he bought me a meal, I owe him/he owns me/I need him.
I, like you, must call multiple people to speak with my parents. My dad calls every week on Sundays. If for some reason he doesn't call it throws my week off. If he calls on any other day I panic and think something is horribly wrong. I actually called him on Thursday this week and he called me on Sunday just so we…
How fucking wasteful. This infuriates me - and also Mother Nature!
LOLOL. Oh man. So, somewhat relate fly, my partner used to think that sheep or female goats - as a kid though.
I used to work at the library in college and it happened ALL THE TIME. There are like 10 million (I just looked this up so I know it's true) books and you want the red one?! WTF.