
@Scary Joann: Wait, I thought it was sad because it's true.

I went all out and did my makeup for my grandpa's funeral in August. That was a mistake. Don't wear makeup to a funeral.

@Snarfblat: Snarfblat, meet your left hand.

@artyfarty: It is a really great show. Makes me cry ever single episode. I will cry if they cancel it. My bf loves it too, so I am hoping that there are others out there (besides just you, me, and my bf! haha) who love it just as much!

@ajlien03: I'm not sure that's what I meant.... more just that men don't want other men stealing their women, let alone ladies...? maybe?

@Andalucía: Great comment. Thanks for using words better than I can!

Triple ick.

@ajlien03: I think men are threatened by lesbians because they are more or less hard-wired to protect their lady from other people who are trying to "steal" her away (sorta the primitive theory behind mate guarding and sperm being small and inexpensive to produce), and are also afraid that they might "turn" their

That is so funny/cute/adorable. Then I had to stop watching it halfway through because it also sad. Now I am so conflicted!

This made my hump day a lot hoppier! :D

@artyfarty: Or to seem like a badass but to really just be a poor misunderstood teen.

Can you just shut up and lick my cunt? No? then get the fuck out of my bed!

@cand86: Tasty awesome snacks!!!

@fortheloveof38: Also: don't know who Jeffree Star is, but those legs are soooo skinny!

@thevioletllama: I am so there with you. People who wear glasses as accessories (and not because they are a necessary accessory) really irritate me.

ahhh she totally looks like the daughter from Parenthood aka Ann from Arrested Development. I think it's those glasses.

Oh my god, I thought this whole article was going to about Charlie Sheen. WFC?

@cand86: I've heard that chewing ice is not good for your teeth.

@palegirl: Oh my god. You can read my mind!