
@ohmaria: So true! And the gum statue made her a total creeper to boot!

@hydrogen_jukebox: Nice! I feel like the cartoons of my (our?) generation were overlooked.

@Violet-B: Only one I know is Veruca... and I used to read Babysitter's Club... of course that was long, long ago, but still!

Everyone on this thread either is referencing Arrested Development or has a username that references it. It is super weird (and awesome).

@FUCKINGSPARKLES: I have been re-watching Arrested Development. Good times :)

I use Safari. Oh well.

@venusorbiting: Depends on how sensitive your skin is. The couple of times I've had bikini waxes (that is twice) I have bruised severely and couldn't walk (well) for a couple of days. I tried to do it myself one time as well but it didn't really work, and it hurt like a mother—no bruising though.

@Nico Coer: If I could promote/approve this comment I would. Very well-put.

@VanMundegaarde: See?! And you thought she was never in any good movies. Looks like that one won some Oscars! :p

@memphreblues: Yes, you're right. Yeast and bacteria.

I went to check my bread after the first box. 1 slice = 3g fiber. Then I read the second box, went back to the bread. 1 slice = 1.5 oz. So.... I guess I win!

@swornvalor2: quinoa? I am intrigued... so please elaborate!

@Scal: It's awesome that they are taking those steps to prevent rape. Too bad they can't prevent people from being insensitive, victim-blaming assholes.

@Blueberry26: Right, this was what I always thought was the intended order of the world.

@anteup lost her pizazz: Oh yeah you gotta keep it in the fridge. You don't have to feed it as often. The first sourdough starter my bf and I started I accidentally left in the fridge of my old apartment. Disappointing and also I wonder what the landlady thought...


Yay! slut-shaming.

I am all for polyamory, just the one-sidedness of this situation would bother me. And it's not something I would want to watch on TV. People who have hordes of children bug the crap out of me as well.