Frankly, he's more charming when he's yelling at children in the stands
Frankly, he's more charming when he's yelling at children in the stands
Nicely done. (Also, how the fuck is this buried behind a bunch of burner account comments? Thanks for caring, Denton.)
This issue doesn't affect me, but hasn't the comments section been blocked in some instances since the system change? I seem to remember someone mentioning that. Either way, the would-be pinko comments have increased! Silver lining!
WE HAVE A WINNER: Jason Kidd to the Knicks, presumably to mentor Lin who they will match a $35 MILLION offer sheet for because he had two above average weeks.
"Oh, man. There's Gutbuster!"
The player's next recourse is to HA HA THERE IS NONE SEE YOU IN COURT
The Time I Got Stool Softener For My Ears Because They Were Full of Berman's Shit: The Tom Jackson Story
When did FOX get Erin Andrews' talentless football poop?
HOLY GOD. I'M BACK, DEADSPIN! So much less clicking. Now if only we could go back to the classic Comment_Ninja.
NotBillWalton stole a Good Job, Good Effort meme that I had thrown together after game 7 of this year's Celtics series
See you all in #TUAN on Twitter.
It's time to find my voice
Come on Drew, I used to have a lot of respect for you before you wrote this slanderous garbage. LeBron isn't that bad. After all, we've never even seen him in Zubaz.
I'm going to drag this out as long as possible. It's great entertainment for a slow sports night.
So do it! What have you got to lose, right?
As long as you can still pay the rent, go for it. But what exactly about your life do you find to be unsuccessful? Paying the rent is a success
Three words: Call Me Maybe.
I must say though, I like this guy's gusto. Makes me feel like I'm reading a Gawker comment thread. I am now in my element.
He's a 24 year old guy who works a normal job and has, by all accounts, a normal life. Then, he goes home, heats up some easy mac, removes his work clothes, puts on his custom made 1995 NBA All Star game jersey (the one with the cactus on the front) with @NotBillWalton on the back. At that point it's time to go to war.