
I kind of feel, and this may be influenced too much by the book “Romancing Miss Bronte,” that Charlotte had a bit of a desire to be “mastered” by her husband. If you take a look, all her romantic heroes are pretty dominating and possessive. I think she found that attractive.

Has anyone read “Romancing Miss Bronte”? I thought it was very good, but also completely heartbreaking. I also thought it was COMPLETELY unfair that Charlotte Bronte, who wrote a literary masterpiece still studied over a hundred years later, lived and died in poverty, while her publisher was incredibly wealthy and

I’ve also seen a couple instances where people who hit kids were visciously beaten by bystanders, so I understand maybe being afraid. Still, you have to stop.



And SHE GAVE UP HER VOICE! She literally became mute, and he fell in love with her! Why? It certainly wasn’t because of her intelligence, their shared opinions, or the stimulating conversation they had.

Do you mean staging a coop?

Yes!! Cheap semantic victory is mine!

Look, dude, you’re the one that said your comment’s citations gave proof that she received millions of dollars, and condescendingly said “do the arithmetic” when the other commenter asked you to back that up. Not my fault you couldn’t do the arithmetic yourself.

Adding up all your cited numbers gives $1,232,527 - not millions.

Leading economists think Bernie’s plan’s numbers are “deep voodoo” and totally unrealistic.

If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it.

She declawed a cat?

Noble Renard, I think you’re a lawyer, is that right? Can you help me understand why the charge against Daleiden is “prohibition of the purchase and sale of human organs”? It seems like he’s being charged because he prohibited the purchase. It’s just weird wording, I assume, but it’s always a bit confusing to read in

Just found this, thought it was fascinating:

That’s terrible! Those do NOT look like happy tears.

What’s the story here?

Our apartment building has a small table by the loading dock where people can put things they don’t need/want anymore. I’ve put a lot of stuff there! Also, I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff there. No one wants your used up ugly old shoes, ma’am! Or your night table missing its drawers!

Shrayber ungreyed me on his very last post here because he offered and I asked. It’s just dumb luck, really.

I think he’s dialed down his style. This is what he looks like when I’ve seen him: