
And E.T. sounded like “All the Things She Said” by TATU.

Also, they didn’t put everything on the “upcoming deals” section - those super-cheap TVs for example, were never on there. I don’t have time to sit and refresh twenty times a minute for 24 hours! If they had put the TV on the upcoming deals section, I could have noted when it would start and made sure to be there. As

Also, they didn’t put everything on the “upcoming deals” section - those super-cheap TVs for example, were never on

That’s a great example of a lack of empathy! You can understand something you would like, but not something you would not like.

But they don’t have to participate - why wouldn’t they just stop partnering with Eat24?

I get it, which is why I included the bit about not staying in a relationship that hurts you too much. Your post was very universal though, and I have to be honest - it really hurt me, because it tapped into serious fears I have that I don’t deserve love and am incapable of doing anything but harming loved ones. I

Do not stay in a marriage with a clinically depressed partner. A marriage only taxes the depressed partner more, and the supportive one can never gain anything from it.

Yeah, Virginia’s not the South. At least, the South doesn’t think Virginia is in the South. Virginia might though? Geez, that statement sounds confusing. But as someone raised in the South, a lot of times non-Southerners try to put the wrong states in there. Someone tried to tell me Oklahoma was in the South! Lol, no.

What about something like this:

That’s so funny! My cousin’s husband’s brother just made $5,000 in one hour working from home for Google!

That part of the documentary was so stressful for me! There’s all these women, and huge piles of bills, and how do they know how much is whose? They’re sitting and counting from the same pile - what if one counts faster, does she get more money? The logistics!

You didn’t have to be 21 to get in?

Although those things would probably help on the margins, they’re not strong enough to combat a system that’s built around essentially criminalizing vulnerability.

I read another of her rulings, where she rants about how manipulative the mother is, and one of the incidents she uses as proof is that for one visit the mom changed the time from 4 to 4:30 and said she might be late. Then she showed up at 4:15! What a manipulative bitch, right?

Nah, gotta make him also a dinosaur.

Lol you’re right! I am really, really pleased to learn that I was wrong! The other stuff was not cool, but it was the eventual murder that bothered me the most. Thank you for pointing that out for me, it definitely changes the tone of the video for me.

Sorry, I should have said “sexualized torture.”

Yeah, definitely, I think Rihanna the character would not care about the dude’s wife. My issue is, a lot of the commentary seems to agree that neither should we, and that it was totally correct that Rihanna the character did those things, and having a problem with it is racist and whiny. My issue is the adoration of

I didn’t know that, that’s messed up. So there is some hypocrisy, definitely.

Cater 2 U threw me, tbh.

Wait so because the woman got stuff from money her husband stole she deserved to be kidnapped, tortured, and murdered? Harsh.