
But how will your Hulu Plus and Netflix stream at your house without internet? You're stuck having to pay someone for internet at least, even if you cut the cord. It's awful.

"No, it's not even conceivable. Not him. I would not call it murder if it's an accident."

Oooh, I get that too! "Why is your face so red?" I don't know, why are you so impolite?

Yeah, I was trying to estimate the actual hours you would need to spend in class if you went to school full-time. And I was also being pretty generous on the homework, like you say.

I graduated at the top of my class, one year early, while founding the first student run United way on my campus, working full-time and volunteering at my local boys and girls club and interning.

WHAT IS THIS?! A third boob on the hip?!

But what if we're more safe, and crime rates are falling, because of things like fewer parents letting their 10 and 6 year olds wander around on their own?

"In the theologically grounded tradition the priesthood passes through man. The woman has another function in Christianity, reflected in the figure of Mary. It is the figure that embraces society, the figure that contains it, the mother of the community. The woman has the gift of maternity, of tenderness; if all

Docking ears is terrible. It makes the little ears so much more vulnerable to dust, irritation, and ear infections.

I didn't know about the angora rabbit situation, that's terrible! I'm a knitter, and so I'll make sure not to buy yarn containing angora unless I can be sure it was produced ethically. That means I'll probably never be able to afford any, but so be it.

The part where they were both on the ground, and he reaches out and touches her chest made me a little uncomfortable.

I'm wondering about that claim that the employee hasn't received her paycheck. Usually, when you're paid every other week, it takes four weeks to get your first paycheck. So if she's only been there four weeks, and she's the only one who's saying she hasn't gotten a paycheck, it may just be that she's confused about

"the vaaaaast majority of white voted republican in both elections."

This is not true. Romney won 60% of the white vote, with Obama getting 40%. I don't think you can reasonable describe a 60/40 split as the "vaaaaaast majority of whites" voting republican.

Dogs are so funny! My baby will decide to be scared of things, too, and I can't really tell why. For example, I have a big blue 5 gallon bucket, and she HATES it. If it's in her path, she will go around it as far from it as possible. Sometimes she decides it's more dangerous than usual, and she'll go over and growl

OMG BOSCO!!! What a fluffy baby! What do you raise alpacas for?

My puppy is so weird, so will not tolerate anything EXCEPT the cone! When she got spayed I had one of those inflatable collars for her, and she hated it so much! She wouldn't sit or lay down, or really do much except stand for several days. Finally I took her back to the vet and got her a cone, and she was so much

And for me, it's dangerous to knit presents! I find that I spend so much time and effort on them, not to mention the money spent to get good-quality yarn, that if the person doesn't appreciate them enough I get a little resentful. For instance, I probably spent thirty hours knitting an infinity scarf last year for my

Wish one of the kids was a girl, but I'll still be seeing this. On opening day, probably!

It's so expensive! A book club I am a member of chose it one month, and the library only had one copy (in the entire city!), so I looked on Amazon. It's $50! I guess it's used as a textbook? But I couldn't afford that, so I missed out on that month. I want to read it, though.