Meh,maybe this way people will actually notice the abuse.
Meh,maybe this way people will actually notice the abuse.
"What IS this movie even?"
I feel your pain and struggle! I wonder how you have the energy to keep going. 'Americans' forcing your country to want to import Friends and Seinfeld re-runs. Hang in there!
"Cultural imperialism"
On the one hand you're right, American cultural influence has overshadowed a lot of home-grown arts (I'm Canadian, I feel it at least as much as you do). On the other hand HOLY SHIT there's a bit of a lack of self awareness in that complaint. I mean, a dominant overseas country sending in music and movies is not quite…
I rule shade. But I'm just an arbiter of the shade court. Judge She Who Is Woke my overturn my ruling.
This is definitely the snowy level where I didn't understand what was going on.
I'm still not a fan of her rapping accent, but damn, gotta hand it to her for embracing the diss. I think it's hilarious.
I've had fried frog legs. They taste like chicken. Literally.
Who does this crap if you don't mind me assking?
And in the same way beautiful chocolate or cakes are...I'll still eat them. I made octopus sausages so I'm used to it.
No Aiden! Stop! Jodie is not here!
"Submissive women" is actually a popular archetype, mostly preferred by lonely japanophiles who actually first see Japanese women that way.
I might add that part of the thing that can makes Hatred so off putting is that unlike games like GTA where you can kill innocent civilians, in Hatred, killing non-aggressive innocent bystanders is pretty much the only goal of the game (apparently), and apparently not optional. Killing innocent bystanders in GTA…
Because the aim of the game is to commit immoral acts for the sake of them and to take pleasure in them. That's immoral whether the acts are real or not. I totally support GTA, Manhunt etc. but there's something clearly different about this case.
I believe this type of game should not be censored, and it is indeed art.
I'd compare this to Natural Born Killers; however, the trailer doesn't suggest any aspect of satire. And, in these times where a lot of warped adults, and kids especially, leave death notes that echo what appears to be the protagonist of the game, it's hard to argue the art point. What I think would be awesome is if…