
We owe an unbelievable debt of gratitude to black women.

Just because you either haven’t been listening or haven’t been hearing about it doesn’t mean people haven’t been talking about it

*Sigh* I miss the days when I could be that optimistic...

Cameras and other recording devices are illegal in polling places, so that reporter would probably get arrested.

In the past impossible to pass literacy tests were used with questions like “1. Draw a line around the number or letter of this sentence.”
Any error is a failure.... I’m sorry that’s a circle/box not a

I guess it was cute thinking a Democrat could win in Alabama, but it doesn’t matter how many voters you mobilize or if your opponent is an accused child molester when people aren’t allowed to vote and voting records can be legally destroyed before a possible recount.

Moore is anti-abortion only because if those babies aren’t born, he can’t hit on them in 14 years.

In emerging and new democracies, the US sends election observers to make sure the ruling party is playing nice and that free and fair elections are taking place.

Omg. This is not fucking hacking. Changing passwords is a useless waste of time. Look at the unique user name NOT the easily and freely copied display name.

One of the women in the class action in Australia said that she told her doctor she was no longer able to have sex, and the doctor told her to just have anal sex, then there was an email chain leaked where he joked about the exchange. Disgusting and horrific.

Someone I know worked in a minor role on a class-action case against Vaginal Mesh manufacturers and to hear some of the horror stories—pain, fusing with organs, a shredded penis., divorces from an inability to have sex. Just horrible, horrible stuff.

Having read a very gruelling account of one womans experience of this kind of mesh, in the last week, I hope that providers of this medical device get their asses sued across the world

Honey, someone’s hacked your account. Change your passwords

As always, it’s amazing that as long as humanity has been having babies, we don’t have better solutions for these fairly common complaints.

Hahaha that is one of my favorite episodes of Parks and Rec.


I read something interesting last week.


Dear whiny man-flu doctor,  

Giada’s pretty up there on the cringe meter.

So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?