BUT also - if we are going to continue using gentlemen, what is the alternative for women besides lady? Gentlewomen?
BUT also - if we are going to continue using gentlemen, what is the alternative for women besides lady? Gentlewomen?
As a child my dad told me burping at the dinner table wasn’t ladylike. I (an otherwise meek/shy kid) snapped back “so if I was a boy it would be allowed?!” And I pretty much haven’t given up my feminist agenda since! I will never forget that moment.
I totally agree but fuuuuuuck. When I was in the third trimester I can’t imagine my big belly moving across the street let alone doing all that. She’s going to need some serious help.
Since they specifically mentioned a morning snack, I’m guessing at this age he goes until lunchtime and then leaves. So for half a day not including lunch that makes a little more sense.
I feel like my resting bitch face gets me out of a lot of conversations I don’t want to be having. I definitely don’t want to lose that!!
That is very likely true. Or it has to do more with his bigotry than his religious beliefs at the very least. And I think a lot of his motivation is undoing anything and everything Obama did. Maybe racism plays more of a role in this than anything else. ‘How dare a black man be president. I’m going to undo everything…
Seems like she still lives with the kids in the giant house on an acreage so I think she made out a little better financially in the deal.
Do you think Pence would do anything to reverse this though? We’re all still fucked even if Trump resigns tomorrow from whatever muck Robert Muller digs up. I think Pence has made very sure to stay out of anything illegal/controversial that could cost him his job.
I look like such a damn mess when I attempt to wear one of those tops. Nope nope nope.
Lots of pre-schools and schools with young children added the pie plate for extra protection. And bonus, gave the kids an activity to decorate their plate masks beforehand.
Nothing quite as refreshing when stepping out of the shower as getting whipped in the face with a tiny metal bride figurine while trying to dry my hair.
And narcissism.
Clearly the kind of men who film themselves having sex with you and then sell it. AND the kind that have known you since you were a child and watch your sex tape. Paris is surrounded by terrible people.
I was sure both Cole and Dylan played Ross’s son but IMDB says it was just Cole. Missed opportunity.
Samantha Bee did a great segment on two guys in Texas getting charged with drugs charges from basically false positive drug tests on items found in their vehicles. The white kid had a dad that got him a good lawyer and the case was dismissed. The black man couldn’t afford to hire a lawyer and sat in jail for months…
Also don’t forget the “but I’m white and poor and grew up with no white advantages!!!!!”
What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!
That’s basically the first image that popped in my head when he started his Greek men are real men bs. Real men are pedos!
Also, aren’t women historically in charge of all things ‘home’?? Wouldn’t they be the ones reading the catalog most in that case??
Question slightly related to creepy old grandpa. At what age do you give your children autonomy over hugs/kisses? My daughter is 2. She still wants me to kiss her owwies when she scratches her knees and she loves cuddles, hugs and kisses generally. Sometimes when I drop her off i’ll kiss her cheek and she responds…