
I am a total twitter novice. But I can see how a young teen could get addicted to the short term "fame" from interacting with famous people on twitter. How many shows on tv have a hash tag or two scrolling along the bottom of the screen? Basically all of them. I recently sent a tweet in regards to a news show and the

I hope she continues to do other skits as well but I agree, I love her doing weekend update! I know Tina Fey generally didn't do other skits but her co-anchor at the time Amy Poehler still did other skits (right?).

Love this! I pretty much always buy one of these books whenever I get invited to a baby shower. Dear friend, your new baby WILL own The Going to Bed book whether you registered for it or not!

I sooo wish this was a real book so I could proudly display it in my kitchen. I would preorder it faster than you can say 2 CHAAAAAINS

I'm so used to seeing Taylor Momsen with her black holes where eyes go that I don't really like her new look. I'm so confused!

Yes, women are definitely socially engineered to want a cleaner house. Because if two people live in a house and other people come visit and the house is a mess the woman is generally judged, not the man (in my narrow experience). If we go to the house that my sister lives in with her boyfriend and the bathroom is

Maybe the finger is made for the opposite hand? But she's holding the mic with her other hand...why I'm even bothering to reason with her wearing the foam finger is a question I cannot answer.

It was a good read! Don't let the man arms scare you off! It's just nod to her being a woman with power in a man's world.

I was born in 86 and only 1 when we moved so I didn't really have any friends yet. I think we lived somewhere sort of close to Connestoga mall? Haha what a great mall name!

Yeah. I didn't keep a real close eye on the pension stuff so I can't claim to know much about that. Was the fire chiefs threat to close stations and cut new recruits the only way to keep existing pensions going or are pensions still out of control? I don't fully grasp the whole fight. It does seem like a big ol mess

No way! I was actually born in GI too!! We moved to the east side of the state when I was little.

Ugh. I don't know how to feel about this. I live in Omaha but I wasn't a resident yet when she was voted in as mayor. On the one hand yay! A lady is in office! And bonus, she likes Tina Fey!! BUT she's very conservative and since taking office this summer she's done nothing but fight to reduce the fire departments

You don't have to be an atheist to disagree with these creationist theories. And they should be disputed. These types of ideas are really dangerous when children are taught that this as science. It's not science even a little bit.

And who is surprised that the underground bunker already posted an update that the LAPD closed the case! Without even notifying Leah!

Yes! And the electric razors are the WORST! My husband usually rocks the stubble which looks great on him but when he wants go clean shaven we cannot for the life of us find a decent electric razor that doesn't stop working and/or just plain suck and so there goes another $100+ down the drain. And I just end up using

Brody and Brandon aren't on the show to keep their families happy. It's just a pay day for them. The worst part is their tired story lines. Brody was constanty cranky for the first how many episodes about Bruce being a terrible father. Now he won't stop yakking about Kris. He isn't being genuine. He's trying (poorly)