
To quote “Steel Magnolias”, the dudes playing Danny, Joey, and Uncle Jesse all look like they were carved out of cream cheese.

They’re these midget-like creatures that eat and poop all day. Kinda like cats but cats are way, way cuter. And smarter.

is she presenting? Is it mating season in the Gifford household?

Same thing is happening in Arlington, VA, especially in the Shirlington area and Clarendon area. Rents are so high that businesses are just closing up shop. 7 Businesses have closed up shop since October of ‘14 in just Shirlington.

Plus, this is the only Mama

FACT: The best non-alcoholic drink is ginger ale, and ginger ale + lemonade is much much much better than an Arnold Palmer.

Veggie corn dogs are the shiz. Highly recommended whether you are vegetarian or carnivore!

I was waiting for a gruesome facial injury salted with dead bugs myself.

i was waiting to hear about the dead bugs falling out of the light fixture into his food/coffee/hair and the ensuing complaints. slightly disappointed that nothing worse than a scolding happened.

My mother was schizophrenic, and was never really treated. She died a few years ago at the age of 89. I basically raised myself. It was hell. I understand your feelings, and while I am sorry that there are others out there who understand the misery of my childhood, I am kind of grateful that there are others out there

When I was in my 20’s I ran into a neighbor of my parents downtown and she was kind of tipsy. Like, in a confessing mood, tipsy. She completely apologized for not stepping in when I was a kid because everyone knew how fucked up my mom was and I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open going “you fucking

Same here. Mom's break with reality happened when I was 12. She was diagnosed Schizo/Paranoid (at least that what her meds were usually prescribed for) When she was awake she was accusing everyone in the world of being against her. She thought the government was after her, including having bugged the house, so she

This. My mother has borderline personality disorder, refuses treatment. I have a superficial relationship with her now where we talk about Mayo Clinic journal articls every ~3 weeks. She did insane things to me in my lifetime, but I haven’t spoken to my extended family in 8 years because they knew the situation and

This is sort of my deal with my father (he died a number of years ago, making the whole thing more confusing). Anyways, he was abusive, but because I think it came from severe mental illness this makes my feelings towards him really complicated, as I have empathy for what I imagine his struggles might have been. But I

In general I’m not very into organized religion. But every time the Church of Satan takes some kind of public action, I’m sincerely tempted to join. The only thing stopping me is that anything with the word Satan in it is a little too close to Christianity for me to feel comfortable with.

They Conservative Right already thinks we’re a bunch of Satanist baby killers anyway so might as well give ‘em a show.

Right? It’s weird to think of Troy that way. Maybe he’ll dance to the Reading Rainbow theme song.

I’m just trying to figure out how I can work, “What’s threatening is this lack of Vitamin C.” into daily conversation.

Hubby and I are big D&D geeks, so we had a dragon-themed affair. It was a golden cupcake thing and two dragons guarding their ‘hoard’. Used two of our colossal miniatures that we had at home as cake toppers, and a sword letter opener (found Game of Thrones’ Ice at Chapters for $16) embedded in one cupcake as a