
Marcia Wallace was just one of those remarkable character actors with a long and impressive career. Hats off to you, Ms. Wallace. Your noble spirit embiggens even the smallest man.

I would love to see you do a Burt & Dolly takeover for a day where every single post on Jezebel is about one or both of them.

I'm vegan, so let me answer by explaining that this woman is an idiot. Does that help?

I predict that if her child manages to get to college without dying of polio, he will become a little Alex P. Keaton.

It's quite a leap to conclude that feeding pets organic = humanizing them. It only makes sense to be (what you perceive as) nice to an animal if you are delusional and believe he's a human?

Jesus Christ, what a nasty, condescending, uneducated piece of garbage this article is. First of all, fuck you very much for judging those of us who choose to treat our pets like family. Second, if you were even minimally informed on the subject, you would know that commercial pet food has been show to contain the

Exactly! My dog used to eat shit and thought nothing of it. Caring about their well being isn't humanizing them, it is being responsible.

"Organic Pet Food is Becoming a Thing Because Americans Humanize Pets"

Or, you know, given the numerous pet deaths in the past half-decade, and that the FDA still doesn't know quite what's causing pets to die after eating things like processed jerky from China, it could simply be people are trusting minimally processed, local, and organic pet food to be safer, and thus worth the cost.

The 'healthy' angle is only one of the reasons that people choose to eat organic (and feed it to their kids and pets). Articles like this completely overlook the fact that lots of people 'go organic' in order to reduce their toxic footprint on the planet.

Considering all the disgusting things we find out about commercial pet food, it's probably just people trying to do what they can to not feed toxic sludge to their pets.

While I appreciate there's a huge range between "poison" and "organic," the Chinese dog treats that are literally killing hundreds of dogs makes me feel a little less foolish about buying my ass-licking dog gluten-free, novel protein, organic dog food.

Sigh. The perspective in this article is disappointingly limited and out of date. Eating organic (by humans or animals) isn't just about health outcomes. It's also about the environment. I totally agree that people are ga-ga for their pets and humanize them in ridiculous ways, but a little more research and

A) I know this article was framed as click bait, but I have to say it: Wanting healthy pets that live longer as a result of proper nutrition isn't dumb.

I understand that this is not the point of this article but GIVE ME THAT MAKEUP.

Not that any of this is right or wrong, but I lived in West Virginia for fifteen years and never saw cole slaw on top of one hot dog. Not saying I wouldn't eat it.

As a metal musician, haircuts of any kind will make me LESS likely to do sex with you. Personally, I get a trim once a year just to remove the split ends. Anything more is against my rules. LET IT GRO, BROS!

"Plaintiffs," darling, not "plaintives."

Don't sully the Goblin Kings good name.