
No. Nothing can beat the original. This is bad news.

I believe they should be called "muffnuts" for the giggle factor alone.

I was 15 years old when I had sex for the first time. My daughter is 8 - is it wrong that I want to have her vaccinated for HPV, implant her with birth control and buy her a vibrator some time in the next 7 years? The vaccine is because cancer sucks, the bc because there will be no teenage baby drama in our home

I want to be at that point in our society where a menstruating vagina isn't shocking. The fact that a shirt like this can generate any amount of buzz dismays me. So, yeah, I agree with you here. And honestly, I'm ready to stop calling a lot of this shit "art." If you want a shitty line drawing of my vagina splashed

Nope, nope, nope. Also, I'm having trouble identifying any of their art projects as "brilliant."

Again, do you only watch sports? I ask not because pro wrestling is a sport, but because it isn't. It's like nearly every other show on television, it's a work of fiction. And importantly, it is entirely presented as such. Wrestling promotions do not claim to be anything else. It's only fair to derisively label pro

What television shows do you watch? Do you only watch sports? Every fiction television show is "fake". Many nominally non-fiction television shows are less "fake" than wrestling is.

Disclaimer: I am white as fuck and therefore have nowhere near the amount of societal pressures on me in regards to my hair that black and biracial women have to deal with.


Daddy needs his sleeping pill? You, bet baby. Wash it down with my special, homemade decaf...

I wish people would stop going to Stephen King as an arbiter of Great Writing. His book on writing is, indeed, quite good, but his own fiction is a sloppy mess. He's written a few excellent pieces of genre fiction, mostly early in his career, and a LOT of crap. Sometimes he goes from great to crap in the course of a

Yeah, I'll be in my favorite chair, not giving a fuck. If you like it, read it, folks.

Who else is happy that this guy is off the market and not trying to hit on you in some bar?

Spiky high heels and miniskirts, but not, like slutty high heels and miniskirts. Just average high heels and miniskirts.

Created just for this douche.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

And the fighting. Oh man, that is a great episode.

Ugggghhhh, thank you. Because apparently audiences will need constant reminding that he's Christian when they walk into the theater for JEWTOPIA?! Maybe Jesus H. Christington would be more subtle?

Life is like a summer's day, here in... Richland!

I've always wondered about that. You always hear about how the models are just supposed to be walking coat hangers, shouldn't smile or call attention to themselves, etc. Then they slather their faces with weird-ass makeup and put bird's nests on their heads. How are we not supposed to look at them?