
My rabbits DID NOT. But sometimes it was necessary to cool them down in spring, when the weather would change before our building would switch to AC.

My rabbits were very responsible, even though they were fixed. They practiced a form of birth control wherein Baby (the ladybun) would hump Chewie's head (Chewie being the boy bunny).

My ex bought my engagement ring/wedding band combo from my brother's pawn shop with money he borrowed from my mom and never paid back. Yes, you read that right. So when we broke up, I just sold the engagement ring back to my brother and gave mom the money. I have no idea what my ex did with the wedding ring; if

I don't care how well hung he really is. He's annoying, seems like a total spoiled brat douchebag, and I wouldn't have anything to do with him no matter what. So there.

My elementary school was 99.9% white at the time I attended. We learned a lot about the Civil War and slavery, but only because it was West Virginia and opposition to slavery was being heavily pushed as the reason West Virginia broke off from Virginia (...I think I found out later that a lot of the reasons were

I feel bad for Lara. Having to keep a straight face and all.

...I have eaten our bunnies' freeze dried strawberries.

I was all over this movie until I heard "Cameron Diaz." And then I said "nope nope nope."

What annoys me, more than anything, is when the guy sits on the outside seat (not scooting over so someone else can sit) and sticks is feet out into the isle. I see this more often than just about anything else. Even guys who don't spread out very far will do this - sit just so to make sure their feet are in the

There are a a lot of gyms around me now that I live in a bigger city - two within walking distance of my home, and two more within walking distance of my office. But you know, I get free access to the gyms in my apartment and my office buildings. Sure, they're small, but they're free and easy and those two little

I don't care for children. I hate the sound of a crying baby more than just about any sound. BUT....

My husband will poke me in the vulva and say, in a very child like, name-the-body-part voice, "vagina." It irks the shit out of me.

FRIED RICE. I don't care what style. I don't care if it's full of veggies/meat or plain. Just as long as it's fried and is rice. It's been my go-to as long as I can remember.

Typical teenaged boy - he just gets a little more spotlight than most. I would bet my brother was the same way, just with a smaller audience.

Is it okay if I don't care and don't want to talk to pregnant/recently delivered people about it at all? It's not an experience I want. So I have never felt the need to discuss it with anyone or pass judgement on it, or anything. I mean...I guess I'd think there was something wrong with doing it in a pit full of

There's no secret. You work at it, both parties. You have to accept some things, compromise on others, and you both have to be willing to bend a little sometimes. You both have to communicate with each other. And the really big stuff (like whether or not you're having kids and/or pets or if the in-laws can move in

....why was Lucky Spencer at the CMAs? Get back to Port Charles where you belong, Lucky!

I don't get it either. And I was raised there.

I'm acquainted with her opponent. I mentioned this in reply to someone else, but I'll say it again: I am damned glad I didn't have to vote in this one, because I couldn't have voted for either one of these people. I try to go with the lesser of two evils, but knowing what I know...I just don't see one here.

I'm a (former) West Virginian. I'm also a former student/employee of Mountain State University, so I can say with gusto that I am not a fan of her opposition, Layne Dehl. I'm damned glad I didn't have to vote in this one, because I have no idea what I would have done. I don't believe an 18 year old needs to be