

Congenitally short tendons...I need my heels and wedges to be comfortable standing and walking. They will pry them from my cold, dead, feet.*

"Phase." Cute. I'm still dressing like Morticia and I'm 36.

...I am not surprised, really. I won't be going there, though.

I am from southern West Virginia - yes, I realize I have an accent, and no I do not like it pointed out. I've had it mocked just enough times that this is a sure way to get me to end the conversation and want absolutely nothing to do with you.

My husband and I used to go to brunch fairly often (not in DC proper; generally just in our neighborhood) and we saw lots of families...many of them with small children. Generally couples like us were far outnumbered by bigger tables with children and parents and grandparents. It seemed like a lot families used it

I never got into it, either. The closest I came was to buy one of the little sister books...and only because it was Halloween themed.

Where was the crab pretzel when I went to this a couple of years ago???

I forgot I had an apple corer. It doesn't slice. Just takes the core out. My husband got it for me after he watched me core an apple with a knife. He has no faith in my mad knife skillz.

My husband wants a quesadilla maker. Because you can't just make them in a skillet apparently....

Well that's not creepy at all. Not even a little bit. /sarcasm

Yes you may. Thank you!

I like you. We should probably be friends.

Damn, I am so sad right now. You're one of my very favorite parts of Jezebel and I am going to miss you terribly.

I'm reading The Witch with No Name, the last in The Hollows series by Kim Harrison. I started the series way back in 2006. It's been out for a while I think, but I needed a "comfort book" right now with characters who are old friends. I tend to do that - go back and pick up or re-read old series when I'm down. I've

So a living teen-aged girl, with a family, friends, and possibly a paying job, has fewer rights than a fetus. Noted. I'm not sure why I'm even a little bit surprised.

I like that one!

I believe in lots of crazy shit, so I try really hard not to mock the beliefs of others, so long as they're not trying to force them down my throat.

My ex and his roommate worked at a chain location where no one used normal lingo. You were "snowed" or "slammed," for example, not in the weeds. They were really confused when they were sent to another location to help out....

I had someone tell me once that she voted for whoever her husband told her to vote for....