
Our bunny, Baby, passed away this past week. So yeah, my soul was wounded. And baby cheetahs made me smile.

Nope. And he only does it with the other pets occasionally. I asked him about it once and he was like "well, that's his name." I stopped questioning.

My husband's rex rabbit was named Mr. Chewie Biteums. And he referred to him that way A LOT. I, on the other hand, started calling him Chewbert, because Chewie had to be short for something, right? Both my husband and the rabbit hated that. ;)

I have a friend who's cat's name is Steve. I don't normally go for common human names for pets (though I've always liked the less common ones) but he just looks like a Steve.

Yeah...I remember shopping in the "juniors" section at Hills way back in the early 90s when I was starting Jr. High, and wanting a jacket really badly...all they had left was size 0. I remember really loving the damned thing, but I bet if I saw it now it would make me cringe.

I can't imagine dating someone who's openly and vocally racist or sexist. But that goes along with not dating assholes - who wants to do that? And I haven't been happy dating anyone who doesn't read (I don't care what you read...but if you snottily tell me you "don't read," I'm going to think you're an idiot).

I want the dog from the header image.

My wedding ring is made of something called Tungsten Carbide. It's supposed to be practically indestructible. I am eventually going to destroy a glass door with it. Or it's going to slide off when I'm washing my hands and put out someone's eye.

I want to find a bunch of women who look like him - right down to the chest hair peeping out of the collar - and have them grab his parts. And see how he likes it.

I was the complete opposite - I regret very much not having more partners and more experience (and more fun!) when I was younger. So I guess it's a good thing I'm not having children..."Don't be like mama, girls! Get out there and get yours while you can!"

I am much more comfortable if I'm NOT wearing my sweats or yoga pants in front of other people. In fact, I hate those trips where I have to get up at stupid o'clock and don't have time for makeup. I'm just happier if I feel I look nice. That doesn't mean I dress to the nines for a flight or to ride Amtrak - it's

I was just gonna say the same thing.

I always refused to date guys who didn't read. If you tell me "I don't read" I will judge you. Just so you know.

I ate there last summer on a visit. I loved it. The salad bar was awesome.

Yes. My dad is "allergic" to air conditioning. :/

I don't understand why the challenges. It makes no sense to me. If you believe in a cause and want to garner support, why not say "Hey friends, I truly believe in this cause and don't feel it gets enough support. If you have a few bucks, why not donate? And/or pass along the link to your own friends? Here's more

I've always embraced my pale skin and have never had a real desire to be tan. But then...I grew up watching people slather themselves in motor oil and bake until they looked like a vintage handbag, so....

This sort of makes my custom made costume obsolete...

The way I understood it was the She-Ra was intentionally designed to be softer and more feminine than He-Man because of the religious and moral views of the creators of both characters. Her powers were different (she had healing magic) and if you notice, she never once hits a person in her show - just robots.