
If the anamatronic dinosaur thing couldn't get me out there...I doubt anything would.:/

That's me, too! I've had people get snarky with me because of that. I'm fairly certain a woman threw away my resume once because I made a bigger deal out of her puppy than her grandbaby. But some folks just aren't "kid people."

We actually almost went to that! Is it worth battling traffic for?

My neighborhood in Arlington, VA (right outside DC) is pretty much set up to cater to dogs. There is a HUGE dog park. The company that owns most of the Village even does a Wags & Whiskers event every year where vendors and vets come out to sell and demo their products and services (we went once, but since we have

I grew up with my dad telling me that men didn't like makeup on a girl (he HATED it). I didn't care - I loved playing in the stuff (and still do). I wear makeup. It's a fact of my life, part of who I am. Whether guys do or don't like it is immaterial. Whether girls do or don't like it is immaterial. My husband

"She knows, this woman knows that young girls getting pregnant in the African-American community now, it's about 70% out of wedlock. She knows, and doesn't seem to care... that's my problem with her."

That's very interesting...I have several friends who would probably like to try that three ingredient oil. Would you let me know how it goes?

I thought Frozen SUCKED. There, I said it.

I don't know about that. I put a Pokemon part hat on her and made her pose...actually we put hats on all of them and made them pose.

It is what it is - there's nothing I can do about it; I've tried everything!

We don't let Malice watch - she's too young. She only turned one on Saturday.

I was told to do that, as well. I tried Argan, because I was assured repeatedly that it wouldn't cause breakouts. It did. I've learned to just roll with it.

I wanted to like Bare Minerals. But my skin is just too oily. My husband told me it made me look older! Maybe I'll give the liquid a try, but I don't have high hopes.

I was "picked on." I was "teased." I was mostly told that I was being over sensitive and that it was "only" teasing, "only" joking. Whatever. I don't let those people into my life now, because I don't have to. Occasionally, I hear things though...and I admit that I do get a kick out of knowing that the ones who

We eloped to Barbados. We already had the trip planned when we discovered how ridiculously easy and inexpensive it would be. We didn't invite people to the actual wedding, though, because we didn't want anyone to feel like they had to shell out for the trip. It was February, too, so it would have meant travel

She is pretty damned beautiful. I've never seen a bad photo of her. She looks good in anything.

I've had lots of birthdays like that. So I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and send you lots of internet hugs and wine.

Even if I knew beyond a shadow that both men would be wearing black tuxes, I still wouldn't do it.

It's not that he didn't threaten every guy that came to see me - my brother did that with his kid and embarrassed the hell out of her, and I'm sure I would have been completely mortified - but my dad didn't bother to even have a conversation with them if he could get out of it.

My dad wasn't the type, and my big brother didn't care. I do think it smacks of viewing daughters as property. On the other hand...sometimes I wish my daddy or my brother had protected me from Things.