
We buy the that particular brand because they're sturdier than anything else on the market. Our kitten has grown to Jabba-like proportions, too, so one day she's going to leap up onto the top floor and fall completely through. I can only hope that when it happens, the older cat or rabbit won't be napping in the

Little Baby Bunny and Malice the Kitten are both rescues who lost their entire families. They're always happy to read stories like this. (Okay, so they'll both sit mostly still while I read it to them.)

Nah, the no sauce thing is a deal-breaker for me.

My oldest girl is Shelly. My kitten was called Alice by her rescue but she hated it, so we started calling her Malice and it stuck.

I LOVE makeup. Some people just...don't. Some people detest the smell and/or the feeling on their skin, or resent the time it takes.

Ha! I have a friend who's cat is named Steve. He just...looks like a Steve.

I'm always cold, so I want a comforter. My husband loathes my comforters. So we sleep under separate blankets, too. I've gotten so used to it that when we're in a hotel or something, it feels weird to be under the same covers.

Better fix that...

If that's the case...then I then I think they deserve what they get.

Um...I don't find it disturbing at all. Although if I were going to sit through what must be a painful as hell process...I'd want something way cooler than the word "selfie" inside my lip. Like a tiny dragon!

This isn't a new thing. Why do people still hire her for stuff?

I've seen her perform live (she comes to The Kennedy Center in DC). It's pretty awesome. The fact that she did Fever pretty much made my life.

Yeah...because everyone puts so much thought into having babies.*

I don't. And I'm glad because I've accidentally sent texts and emails meant for my husband to other people way too many times. It's mostly stuff like "What's for dinner?" and "This is a movie we should see/restaurant we should go to."

I have no words for that.

I just hid all of the people who constantly posted baby photos. Mostly because the folks who were doing it constantly were the same folks who were posting photos of their baby with a giant snot bubble, or with food all over it's face, or something else disgusting. I'm not crazy about kids/babies, but I really don't

Older men are worse for this with me, I think, and it started when I was a little girl. Excuse the hell out of me for having a naturally downturned mouth, asshole. It pisses me off because many of them act like I owe them a smile. And I damned straight don't.

I want to go. We just haven't had a chance yet.

My mom wouldn't go to these lengths to get me a doll. During the height of the Cabbage Patch Kids craze, she told me if she could get one from a catalog I could have it. But she was not fighting the crowds in stores and she was not paying after market price. She didn't care if "the magic" was ruined for me or not...

I'm allergic to "real" dye (anything with PPD, but bleach is fine). I had blonde streaks I wanted rid of, though, and foolishly thought that black Manic Panic would just "take" better and last longer on those parts. I was wrong. I went to a job interview with that hair...and miraculously got the job. A summer