
Cricket. I had one. She's NO FUN if your parents won't buy you tapes ("but she can play any tape!" is not the proper response). I did not find her creepy in the least as a child, and had never thought of her as such. But I can see how some people would. She's in my parents attic...and I'm having really evil

Yes! Gimme, please.

I hate February. Always have, always will. They could move VDay, and I'd still hate February. The weather's crappy, and for such a short month, it seems to drag on FOREVER and winter just lingers and lingers. Also, it's spelled stupid.

I adored McDonald's as a little girl. I would have been overjoyed if my parents had this option and the thoughtfulness to exercise it.

I despise those candies. I saw it this morning and was all "EWWWW! Why didn't they go with chocolate??"

I changed my name. Hated my given one. HATED. It was an easy and simple thing to do when I married, so I went for it. Most people in my life do not care and it's been a mostly easy transition. I'm sure there are those who won't respect me enough to even try to remember - in which case, I have an easy way to see

This is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard of, and I LOVE scented candles and rings.

I tend to do the same thing. If you come into a series when a couple of books are out but the series is still being written, you get the best of both worlds!

I used to know someone who ate candy bars off a plate with a knife and fork. not all that weird to me.

I have always loved to read. So I can't really get on board with defacing books. I don't care for Valentine's Day (I hate the whole month of February, actually) but there has to be a better activity than teaching kids to have no respect for books.

So nothing has changed for this woman, essentially. She probably spent the last couple of years listening to all the "concern" about how heavy she was. And now people are "concerned" because she lost a bunch of weight.

I thought Brandon Routh did a great job playing Christopher Reeves. It didn't start out with Supe's origin story for the seven hundredth time. That's about all I can say about this movie. I didn't hate it. But I didn't love it.

I would have had no problem friending my old boss. She was awesome and we had a lot in common.

I fixed my security so that my brother's wife and children can no longer see my posts. I realized that even though my brother was not on my friends list (we do not get along and never have), his wife was basically reporting every insignificant thing I posted. They are also hidden from my feed; they rarely post, but

Alexandria is pretty romantic. I saw my husband fir the first time at Alexandria station; since then, we've had some pretty sweet reunions (and some really sappy/teary goodbyes) there.

I'm thinking the same thing. I'll admit, it was a long time ago and I was young, but weren't there allegations that the relationship started when she was a minor?

I don't read Vanity Fair, but that is one awesome cover. It's just...pretty. So many pretty people. I admit I don't know who some of them are (I am old). But I'd like to!

I have both. I've never studied it to see which I have more often.

Every time I've ever had a dream about losing my teeth, or a tooth, I've discovered a problem with my teeth shortly thereafter and had to visit the dentist. I've always assumed I was having pain on a subconscious level.

I finished Downton Abbey and then watched Mary Poppins. Which is good given that I've read the only two on the list that interest me (Frankenstein and The Hound of the Baskervilles).