
Meh. This is going to depend on the couple and their lifestyles before and after marriage. I gained twenty pounds right after I started seeing my husband, but that was due to quitting smoking (he's allergic). He's a very healthy guy - he's into exercise and eating well, and etc. If our life hadn't hit a major bump

This is true. I don't even want to think about all the times someone has interpreted what I have said as having some hidden (and usually opposite) meaning. Because Gods forbid a woman should say what she meant and mean what she says!

No one who "voluntarily" works for Fox News speaks for me. On anything.

A woman will intentionally strive to turn you off to see whether or not she can derail your sexual train of thought and action. If she succeeds, it signals the man may lack sexual potency... anytime you get pushback as things move in a sexual direction, the woman is testing you for raw desire (among other things).

Yep, that's pretty much me. I'm not as much of a weener going up them, but it's still not my favorite thing. I will take stairs if they're available.

I hate escalators. I'll use them, but I don't like it. My husband will trot down them and I will stand there rigid as hell and wait. I'm not sure why. I just am. It seems so easy to tumble down one or get something hung or caught or something.

I love hats, and I wear them (especially in the winter). I don't think I have a hat face (and Gods know my hair is not suited for ANYTHING), but I love them and I wear them anyway. As a woman, they're part of fashion as far as I'm concerned. If I ever put on a hat and feel some "persona" taking over, it will be

I just started doing this, because it's free on Prime Streaming:

With hard work, I could have awesome legs. My face is never gonna be that awesome though. She's really beautiful.

The one I call "The Ex" was a lazy ass clown. He didn't want to go down on me because that was work; it really bothered him that he couldn't get me off with his wang because...reasons? I have no idea.

I feel pretty strongly that no one should force me to carry a pregnancy to term that I do not want. So I also feel pretty strongly that no one should be forced into an abortion/miscarriage of a pregnancy they DO want. I may not see it as murder of the fetus, but he did take away her agency and control of her body,

I don't care how often I need to shower. I'm showering every day. There are two reasons: First, it helps wake me up. Second, my hair is thin, fine, limp, and oily at the roots and my head sweats while I sleep; so if I want to have hair that doesn't look like greasy strings, it is getting washed so I might as well

I have absolutely zero interest in Girls and I don't really care who knows it. I'm sure Lena Dunham and her show have enough fans/viewers that she doesn't really give a crap that I'm not one of them.

I would think she'd be used to it by now. I certainly don't expect them to push guys with actual talent anymore....

And since one of the American guys in the movie was played by a One Life to Live actor worked with Fillion back in the day....

THIS SUIT. In black. Please.

Out of everything that's wrong with this, the thing that's sticking in my craw is the phrase "you will service the winner of each hand with oral sex." Service. I don't know why that bothers me, but it does.

I will be trying the cookie dough ones. They might suck. But I have to try!

I think his name is Naveen? Or Naseem? Something with an N.