
Tiana will always be my favorite princess because she worked her butt off for everything she had. That lazy, playboy prince needed her way more than she needed him.

I love the feel and the smell, but I can't use it as a cleanser because it...doesn't. At least not on my skin. I still use it for sunburns (I am also allergic to aloe, so it's about the only thing I CAN use for that).

She completely ruined General Hospital for me. I could not STAND her character.

I will never accept that as "art." I will continue to consider it one of the most horrible things I've ever seen.

I actually find it really, really easy to dislike her.

I will never like her. So I guess it doesn't matter what stupid stuff she spouts.

I don't know who Brandi Glandville is but as someone who was molested I now dislike her.

Its great that she feels that way about herself. Truly. But she had to know/suspect that Vogue would alter the images to some if she really does feel that way, why pose for them?

I was going to read this article, until I realized it was instigated by something Gilbert Gottfried did. Next please.

Thank you.

I ate crap as long as I can remember and the only exercise I got was doing crunches in the floor when I remembered to, and I was a size TWO until I quit smoking, right at the age of 32. Everything went to pot and it took me three years to lose half the weight I gained. Now I have to be really, really careful what I

My husband wants to buy this for our kitten*. Which is stupid because our elderly cat (whom the kitten attacks repeatedly) could actually USE a set.

I don't want kids and never have...neither has my husband, which is why we married each other obviously.

I think any marriage, between consenting adult humans who have an equal partnership/say in the relationship(s) should be legal and none of anyone's business.

Yeah...I wouldn't be sorry, nor bummed, nor sad. If some people decide that makes me a bad person, so be it. I don't like kids, I don't want to raise one, and if I had to have an abortion I know I wouldn't/won't feel bad about it. It is what it is.

Toothless reminds me of my dearly departed cat Boo when he was a kitten. When Hiccup called him a Big Baby Boo in the new trailer, I lost it. I had to pause it and get myself together before I could continue.

This sounds like something I would have done.

I went to college fifteen minutes from my parents house - no way was I leaving my cat behind to live in a dorm - so maybe I didn't get the whole "college experience." But I did work at a college, and I was under the impression that kids came home from time to time during their college career. For holidays, summers,

I've dressed in black since I was in elementary school. I've taken flack for it in the past, though I can honestly say I have never once had a boss criticize me for my color choice. I don't live anywhere near NYC and never have, though. I am originally from a small southern West Virginia town. Now that I live in

That is my favorite moment in the whole damned series.