
I was technically awake when I got mine (holy shot 15 years ago?) Though I was sedated and remember nothing of the surgery. I was responsive to the doctor's commands, moving and shifting when requested and I laced up my own boots when it was over. I am also told I was way the hell more compliant than normal, as I

Come sit by me. I won't care that you're not a size two if you don't mind moving so I can go to the bathroom a dozen times.

That is two hours from my home town...I'm shocked I didn't know about it. I remember one of the (3? 4?) Beckley McDonalds had it, but not for very long. I never even got to try it!

I didn't know they existed until I was 19 - couldn't afford one then. But my husband recently bought Cecile for me through a Today Show special. He's also taken me to the store every chance he's had and we own THREE of the pets. He is much more patient about hanging out in the AG store than he is clothes shopping and

I'm seeing this a lot on Shark Tank (the only thing even close to "reality TV" I watch). Specifically what I'm seeing is "entrepreneurs" starting answers with 'So," when what they're about to say is actually an evasion.

I hate this so much. I know it's petty and stupid, but I want to just SHAKE people who do this.

I will take your recommendation under advisement.

*snort* I am going to start doing this.

I tried to read Tolkien, I really did. But reading Fellowship was like slogging through a deep, wet, stinky swamp. It took me an entire summer - and I'm a hardcore reader. Seriously, I read the new Dragonlance that came out that summer in a day. But I only picked up Fellowship when I had no other choice. The story

The Solstice is the "Reason for the Season," and yes, I do so love pointing that out because as a Pagan, it works for me on a couple of levels.

Yeah, I went and got that... are people getting this drug, exactly? That's the part I don't get. Do doctors just fork over an Rx if you ask for it?

Malice the Kitten says multicolored lights for the win!

And here I was priding myself on not having bought anything.

I was born with too-short achilles tendons. I walk on the ball of my foot, and have done so since I learned to walk. So I tend to wear high heels with small platforms because it's easier for me to walk/stand in them and much less painful and silly looking than trying to walk in flats (in heels you can't tell I'm

I didn't see White House Black Market here...30% off your order and free shipping with code 18031.

Back when I was thinner, I got comments ALL THE TIME (mostly from older women) about how "tiny" I was, how "skinny." I was told that I didn't need to watch what I ate because I was already "too skinny." I didn't need to eat salad for lunch, with light dressing. I should go ahead and have donuts, because I

Me too. I think anyone (vegan, veg, meat eater, paleo, gluten-free, nocarb/lowcarb, whatever) who is a jerk to other people about their diets should be forced to watch that in all it's horrible glory.

I was really excited about it based on the photos they released, but very dissapointed after going to the store and actually looking at it. It's mostly colors CoverGirl does anyway. Very little was actually new or exciting.

I was never, ever going to like Katy Perry anyway, but this...I don't have words for this.