
Oh wow! I didn't have anything like that at all. It started with a really severe itching that would begin the next morning. Then these lumps would come out...egg shaped. The more I ignored it and colored anyway, the worse it got. Eventually, it would be oozing, open sores. My ears would look like they'd been

I developed the allergy myself. It started with a mild reaction to one particular brand and went downhill from there. I hate my hair color, too. It's a dull brown, and I much prefer a nice, shiny black. My stylist tried a couple of things to try to keep the chemicals off my skin, but it only takes a tiny amount of

Whatever. At least she can color if she wants. I'm allergic to PPD and can't. My skin will tolerate bleach, but if I go blonde and hate it I can't dye it back a few weeks later.

It's similar to Soulfully Yours. I even put it on just now, and it's similar, but not exactly. I thought I owned Diva (mentioned below) but that it looked redder to me...but I can't find it.

I wanted to be She-Ra.

Well that sat in my Sephora cart for a while before I decided not to try it. Now I feel dumb.

That looks very similar to one of my MAC Pro Longwears. I don't have it on me at the moment though...

Someone told me that once, and I practice it to this day. I don't care for children and I have yet to meet a baby or child that I think is cute. But you know...I don't have to say that.

The internship proposals I used to get from people about to graduate scared the hell out of me.

Whatever. Because a classmate wouldn't use locker number 666 in high school, I got a locker days early - it was the last one in the block our teacher was given, and of course they were assigned alphabetically, leaving me out in the cold. My classmate had been given zero textbooks...I had all of mine (more than usual,

It's always the choice of the lesser of two evils. And in this case, it was no contest - The Cooch is some Big Bad.

Still looks neat!

There are nutjobs in every group, and they're generally the loudest.

The best way to get Americans (or anyone) to eat veggies: teach people to prepare them properly. I hated cooked veggies and would only eat raw ones (like salad) because my mother cooked the damned things to mush. I started making my own in some cases (like broccoli) but it wasn't until I met my husband that I learned

It's not modesty if you're constantly bragging about how modest you dress. Jus' sayin'.

I had a cat who was a "rounder" when I was a little girl. He was an unfixed boycat, and he went all over the place looking for the ladies. At one point, the ladies started visiting him, too. But eventually, I think he found another family, because he'd come home less and less, and when he did, I'd see him walk

I had it repeatedly for a period of my life. Until I told my boyfriend-at-the-time. He was a cop who worked night shift. He said "honey, if you have that again and wake up scared, you call me. I'll come sit with you until you're ready to go back to sleep." I have never had it again.

For me, every day is Halloween. It's nice when the rest of the country catches up for a day.

When I was in Career Services at a little private university, my boss (a former HR person) always advised that makeup should be "understated." My boss wore very little herself. I can't think of her ever saying to anyone "do" or "don't" wear makeup, though.

Like I said, I wore one yesterday. I like the look and I love the just have to do it right.