
I saw these over at the Financial Times this morning. I honestly like some of the clothes (too bad more of them aren't black!). But the Joker makeup was just way the hell too distracting.

Maybe there aren't any studies to back it up, but I know that with me, personally, if I don't eat a little something in the morning then I tend to way overeat at lunch. The trick for me is to not eat too much, and not eat too early.

I'm fairly certain that these photos embody what my mom tried to do to my hair for years when I was little.

The only one I like is the Cindy Crawford one. She kind of nailed it. The other two...she doesn't capture them enough to make them recognizable to my eye. Maybe it's the photos she chose to tweet?

I once walked into an American Eagle store and freaked them right the hell out with my gothness, and I was sort of toned down that day in a black lace tank and black jeans. So I can only imagine the reaction if I were to walk into the local A&F right now...I'm dressed for work, and I kind of Morticia'd it up today.

I can't find a picture of it anywhere, but I had a purple mini binder with pink paper and a mirror in it. It looked like a Trapper Keeper, but much smaller. I can't remember what the brand name was. It was late 80s/early 90s, and the company made lots of different notebook paper in different pastel colors. Anyone

My husband and I were on a healthy eating plan that had a lamb recipe. He got to veto the quiche, and I got to veto the lamb. I just don't like it.

Looks like she's disabled comments. I was logged in, so I wasn't trying post anonymously or anything, though she has a number of anonymous comments already.

Music my butt. It sounds like a bunch of rich people who were just looking for a group to mock.

Yeah, no. I know exactly how to feel about this. A quick death by hanging is TOO GOOD for this bastard. I don't care if it makes me a bad person. I think he should have been made to suffer.

I'm an adult and I collect toys. But honestly, I come from a whole family of crazy, so I think people just assume.

I just went to my library's website and placed a hold on The Song is You. Thanks Dodai!!

Convenient excuse for when he gets an STD from a mistress/prostitute, don't you think?

I would have found a way to weasel out of taking any class taught by that person. Eww.

The love of my life was a black cat named Sebastian Niki Bach. I called him Boo most of the time.

The bunny (she's actually a hare) is a bit obese, but she's not really that big. The kitten is really very young. We've had her about three months; that photo was taken a month ago. So the bun looks huge in comparison.

She gets the bunny legs from her big sister.

Let me just add my kitten to your list:

There was an episode of the Golden Girls where a dying woman was trying to find a companion/possible wife for her husband. If I remember correctly, her husband wasn't actually thrilled about the idea...

Can I just say that I hated this when I was in school? I felt like it was a bit of unnecessary showing off - especially when the players and cheerleaders got out of homework and group assignments anytime there was a frigging game. It's not like they didn't have time to change after school. So I could never see any