
I worked for a woman who breastfed, and she went out of her way to do it where no one could see. Including having me guard her office door on those occasions when here husband had to bring the baby by to be fed. Some people are like that - I have no intention of having kids, but I imagine I would be one of those

I don't need to see people breastfeed. But I have the awesome ability to NOT STARE. I know - it's a revolutionary concept! You don't have to stand there and gawk! You can even walk away! Who knew?

I won't lie - I want it. I tend to gravitate toward "Barbie as" or "Barbie and" now that I'm older (Barbie as Morgan Le Fay, Barbie as Scarlet, Barbie as Catwoman, etc.).

I'm not as enamored of Beyonce as many seem to be. I think she has a nice enough voice, but I don't think she's the be-all, end-all of fashion (or anything else, really).

I like how they refer to it as a "unit."

My closet is pretty much a sea of black. Black lace. Black velvet. Black suits. Lots and lots of black suits. ;)

You know, I just realized that not one of the Barbie dolls I owned as a child were career Barbies. I'd never thought about it - I mean, I had a TON of the damned things. But I went for Peaches and Cream, Loving You, Dream Date, Pretty in Pink, Dream Glow, Crystal Barbie, Magic Moves, Twirly Curls (I think I got hurt

I don't know. I just feel like there are too many people out there "doing gluten free" for this to be of any help to anyone who actually has Celiacs or other severe gluten intolerances/allergies.

I'm sorry - I'm not digging Finnick* in that bow tie. It's trying to compete with his eyes. It can't win.

That has to be the stupidest thing I'll hear all day. Right?

RIP Mr. Ansara. You will be missed.

I've hidden a couple of people for the same reason. I check in on them every few weeks. One girl posted this as her status not long ago (I just saw it yesterday):

All I can say is that I'm so glad that facebook wasn't around when I was little. My mother liked nothing more than sharing with EVERYONE the stupid, embarrassing little things I did, ethics or "privacy" be damned.

I didn't care for The Smurfs as a kid. But I've been told that Peyo was racist as hell, too, and that there's hidden anti-semetic symbolism/propaganda all over The Smurfs.

I wanted to wear heels when I was little because a) I liked them and b) I suspected they'd be more comfortable for me with my congenitally short tendons. But my mother was oh-so-very opposed to this. I must have been eleven or twelve before she routinely started buying me shoes with "a little heel" - not for my

The fact that "little balls of sunshine in a bag" autocompletes on YouTube tickles me to no end.

I don't think I ever laughed as hard as a little girl as I did when Blanche saw and reacted to that damned baggie of egg yolks.

I don't care if they have my size or not. I'm not paying that much for clothes I'm going to work out in. I can't see anything special about them that warrants that price. I'll stick with my VS two-fer, thanks.

I have a dress that makes me look pregnant, too (I'm not). Coincidentally, it's cut exactly the same way as the one Jen's wearing.

This sounds like something my mother would have made up and told me to avoid taking me to a water park.