
I agree, the buck started with the directors and producers but it doesn’t stop there. I know you and I agree that these white actresses should not do this and do deserve the criticism, but sometimes when I see comments being like “the real person at fault is...” I sometimes feel like it let’s the white woman off the

I mean they still may come depending on the situation at their home country, but you are right. People exploit undocumented workers to pay them less than they deserve, and then we get mad at them for stealing jobs rather than the person who doesn’t want to play a full wage? Like how does that logic work out?

She probably paid more taxes these last 8 years than President Trump too, but she’s the bad one for lying...ok. We see you racist shit stains.

Yea, and now people who are undocumented and don’t live in a sanctuary community are not going to feel safe calling the police if they need help. We just made everyone’s lives worse. This poor family.

Literally just made the same comment! It’s so transparent that she just wanted to be the star, don’t act like it’s for some big altruistic reason Scar. And I agree, I’ve been loving how much more diversity the new Star Wars films have had, but I wish they would extend that diversity to their (still small number of)

Yea, like Scar-Jo, you know what is an even more rare opportunity, since you care about those so damn much, a female led franchise film staring a WOC. You essentially took that opportunity away from someone(yea sure they could have hired another white actress, but if all the white actresses said they

Eh, she had the responsibility to pass up this film. Yes, there are rare film franchises led by women, you know what’s more rare? Major film franchises staring a WOC. Sure another actress could have taken the role, but that does not excuse her. She deserves the criticism, and you are right so do the director and

Citation needed...omg I’m wheezing. Amazing.

Katie sucks but Tom also sucks. He takes really nasty digs at her, and then makes comments about emotional maturity. Like, dude you have none yourself, don’t give her shit. Probably why they got married.

I wish I had...

Bright side: Forcing Pence to vote for this nightmare inducing nominee will forever tie him to her failed policies, so after Trump is impeached (Please god please) he will fail in getting elected himself. (Ha ha ha, I’m going crazy. This comment account will just mark how much sanity i’ve lost over the Trump years.)

I’m a teacher too, although I work in a private school. I’m also really scared and worried about my students, many of whom will be leaving my class next year going to Public schools (pre-k). It sucks. It suck so much to know that these people do not care about you, or your students. They got paid and are happy, so

Now playing

But honestly fuck her. This is small but life reaffirming.

Ha ha, no. For my internet comments being vaguely threatening (talking about people storming congress is probably a keyword somewhere). I’m only half joking.

No I agree, they need to stand tall in their shitty opinions and not cower like punks. The whole “tough” republican media play is so fucking transparent. They are scared, constantly and always. Why they need guns.

Yea. It’s hard. Like I do not believe in unconditional peace, but I hope we don’t get there.

Like I think we’ve got some ways to go to get there. I’m a literal socialist and even I am not fully comfortable with that, because what do we do once we’ve stormed? Do we dismantle US gov? Do we let states seceded or try to stay together? Do we just claim we want things to be the same but we want these (read

So what looks with Kanye show this year? Distressed sportswear in neutral colors? Or maybe gold for his good buddy Trump.

Yup. Everyday I just get angrier. Honestly I would not give a flying fuck if congress was stormed by angry constituents. And now I’m on a watch list (lol who I am kidding, I’ve been on some watchlist for at least a year now!)

Seriously. Also slightly off note, but I fucking love how these neocon scum love to bring up 9/11 as an excuse for this terrible ban, and yet the city most affected by 9/11 (NYC, born and raised baby!) is out in the streets protesting it. Unlike those fuckers we aren’t chicken shit in NY. We are also a hell of a