Jessica albas finest work.
Jessica albas finest work.
That white suit with pink bow tie and fur wrap tho. I would wear the shit out of that.
There is actually quite a lot of promise in this years theme. I'm saying this as a minority ( a middle eastern ), people of other ethnicities are becoming way too invested in preventing racism. It is possible to celebrate asian culture in a none offensive way. Sure there will be a few Julianna Houghs along the way,…
" fifty shades of grey, that famous novel!" You sir, have way too much swag.
I am sick and tired of Catholic Church using women, gays and other " minorities " as a pr stunt. As if gay issues or women right issues are little collectibles that if pope gets all the right ones, he will unlock 1 million new followers for his church. NO. In churches own words, the church passes on laws created and…
well that's a whole different topic with the whole " oh it happened, how could we have prevented it " but I mean really, I feel like with all these women like fake ass Lena Dunham freaking out over people looking at these pictures, it brings up the point that nudity has been taboo for so long, it's shadowing the fact…
you can not be a feminist and think the biggest problem here is Jennifer Lawrence's breasts or Ariana grande's ass. The biggest problem here is the invasion of privacy which could have happened in many different ways. The problem is we have programmed our women to be ashamed of their bodies and god forbid someone sees…
My plans for the month of July ? Hunt down cumberbaby in comic con and then I'll have three days to convince him to make me mrs.cumberbatch. I mean we are soulmates, he just doesn't know it yet.
It's not even about what model or brand the car is. If it's between feeding and clothing your children and driving a normal, cheaper car or driving a nicer car and being given death stares that OBVIOUSLY bothered the person in question, which one would a mother choose ? Maybe it's my frugal middle eastern, third world…
here s my problem with this stupid game. It's a complete rip off of A-list Hollywood game. I already have a character on that game that is an actual a lister through doing movies. Why the hell should I get tis and better yet, make in app purchases
considering I'm a cross between manhattan basic and Brooklyn basic, I just realized I'm super fucking annoying and I don't even care...
This is completely unnecessary. Sure, rape is a serious matter that needs a serious talk, but do you think children these movies are targeted towards can even read ? And if a child is old enough to read the statistics and understand them then any other campaign would be just as effective. The messages and the cause…
I feel like a lot of people who did things with terry and later on regretted it, jumped on the sexual misconduct train and those are the ones Richardson and his camp use to discredit every one of these allegations.i always got the Pervy vibe from Richardson and his posse of celeb bffs, jared leto included, but of…
I'm a high alpha, with like 70 something % alpha and low 30something % beta! married to a gentle beta man and there is not a day that I don't curse myself for marrying a bet. Don't get me wrong. My husband is loving and caring and gentle,but while I'm a type A personality, constantly rushing things and trying to get…
Tina craig was mentioned a couple of years ago in some shady, counterfeit fashion goods case,so, I don't know how much I trust the source article for this article
I honestly couldn't give a shit less. This show is a guaranteed hit. Although I would love it if this serial killer was a woman
She was no Charles Manson who manipulated crazy eye with passive aggressive " oh yeah it would be nice if so and so got whacked " kind commands . She was very clear with her demands.
can we discuss how fucking creepy Healy is getting? Like I would never give him my real phone number level creepy,I would also like to take a minute to appreciate Chang and her fu Manchu mustache. God I love Chang .