
You mean this guy?

Certainly sounds like a bunch of white nationalists paying “lip service to diversity” at their day jobs, so I wonder if this is related to the “secret agent” racism plan, that they were recently caught admitting to….

In Seattle, fighting is completely legal between 2 consenting adults & he was initially reported to the cops because he was wandering around trying to start fights with people.

Also, she has her own brand of sprinkles:

You live in Seattle.... It’s like Sundance Cinema if it were run by the folks at Scarecrow Video.

Four Roses Single Barrel & Buffalo Trace are good options.... and I’ve heard a rumor that the Trader Joe’s brand is “bottled by Buffalo Trace” while being about half as expensive.

There is actually a (rather infuriating) historical reason that so many non-natives believe that they are descendants of a mythological Great-Great Grandmother who was not just Cherokee, but a “Cherokee Princess” (which is impossible because ‘Princess’ is a European nobility title):

There’s research to support the idea that a school’s culture promotes or discourages bullying:

I’ll just leave this here as support for your points:

Degree carrying animator here and let’s just say I left* the animation industry for the tech industry because there was less sexism to deal with...

I watched the interview with them.... it’s even more disgusting than that.

Stupid Sexy Flanders!

Personal favorite from Seattle:

Well said.

I think it’s important to point out that both Charlie Sheen and Robert Downey Jr. are the sons of some men that also fit the given description (at least would have in the mid 80's).

It’s like this story is a metaphor for the U District.