
Or... you could be a REAL nerd like me and use your hard earned monies to purchase the some sort of a physical object (i.e. blu-ray) that contains the entire remastered series.

If loving anything with Phil Hartman is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I was in the same state when I watched it this past Saturday morning.... also, I was eating bowls of cereal, just like 6 yr old me would have wanted. And after the movie, I proceeded to watch many episodes of Playhouse.

It’s true. The movie was shot on the historical old west mining sites in the city of my birth. All the d-bags I attended high school with were extras:

“Why are there so many pockets of men intent on erasing the accomplishments of women?”

Ah, the dunning-kruger effect.

I, thankfully, haven’t encountered many people that are planning on voting for anyone besides Bernie. But anyone who wants to know why I’m not voting for HRC can take a look and see just how far we are on the political compass.

His defense sounds more like:

The oldest trick in the book: proving one is not an asshole by being an asshole.

Science agrees:

WOW! Look at those goal posts, they can really move!

I think I might be your sister, only I wasn’t ever “taken out of school” as a direct result of having boobs, we just happened to move around a lot. So approximately every 2 years (starting in 3rd grade) the cycle of ostracism and rumors began anew.

“...Tom & Jerry sucks and was made by morons to whom humor was an incomprehensible alien language.”

I assumed one of the girls in the group was more... uhhh... chesty then the others. In my personal experience, that’s 100% why both my peers and authority figures always thought I was a giant whore who couldn’t be sexually harassed. I wouldn’t have *chosen* to grow such gianormous boobies if I didn’t secretly “want

Former Montanan here. Totally agree! Tolerance doesn’t work that way.

Motion seconded.

Yeah. Which is what I said. “Found one that says the EXACT opposite” of the statement made by Pixie Sticks.

Found one that says the EXACT opposite:

“I never used to watch news.... then they started showing all those hatless ladies and now I can’t get enough of watching the news!”