
I like this quote from The Riot Grrrl Collection:

Well, Montana does brag that 20% of their constituency drives heavily intoxicated. I’m sure this is just an extension of this ad campaign:

There isn’t a 13th “sign.” It was just a bunch of astronomers trolling astrologists. The whole thing was hilarious (Seriously read some of the astrologists ‘rebuttals.’ Comedy. Gold.)

A phenomenon called Cultural Cognition:

Her behavior on social media isn’t the appropriate response.

Now playing

Agreed.... But in addition to the scenario you describe, in my head Amy Pohler is there singing the theme song:

Motion Seconded.

It’s from a Mr. Show sketch called ‘Larry Kleist, Rapist’ it’s the same sketch as the quote I replied to “Larry is my name, raping was once a game of mine. Hello?”


But the question wasn’t “Do YOU think I’m a slut?” it was “Do you think THOSE 3 DUDES think I’m a slut?”


In the article she says that the initial offer was $1000 for the night. Then the next morning, as she was waiting for her cab to leave, he offered an additional $1500 to have sex again. Bringing the total to $2500.

Motion Seconded.


I’m cool with this. Let’s start a Seattleite-Kinja-Greys biker gang.

Fellow Seattleite *waves*