
Ugh... only one? Not sure I can do that.

I know this is a joke, but I actually do want the Engagement Brass Knuckles.

Note to those who want to make out anywhere in public, in any city in the world: 100% chance a hobo has - at the very least - peed there.

Why are there so many grown adults in a professional corporate setting who don’t make sure the toilet *actually* flushes everything after they’re done?

It may result in a barrage of purple tongued dog kisses; proceed at your own risk*

I’m outta control and officially banned from any site where I might encounter one that may need a home.

They’re quite partial to belly-rubs & chin scratches.

It’s probably a tie between Ceres and Sedna for the Most-Left-Out-Of-The-Group Award, but all the dwarf planets are, thus far, proving to be delightfully weird. There’s Haumea’s weird egg shape and orbit, Quaoar’s puzzling lack of ice, and Makemake’s irradiated surface. They’re all a bunch of rebels.

Eris is denser than Pluto, which is why they speculated that it might have been larger.

I guess I’m the only Plutophile that’s happy for Pluto. I mean, he has way, way, more friends as a dwarf Planet than he ever did did as a “Full” planet. He’s only the lonely, odd-man-out as a planet. As a dwarf planet, though, he gets to be KING of the Dwarf Planets.

Wow. That’s some (B.S.) dedication to the bureaucratic rule of “When in doubt, blame the vendor.”

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The hormonal myth is B.S.

And I bet he thinks those women are “shallow” for not giving him a chance.

Replace “Illustration” with “Animation” and same story here. :)

As much as it seems like it, hormones aren’t just playing ‘eeny meeny miney mo’ over people. There’s actually something about the person/people that sets them off and it's looking more and more likely that it’s all about the immune system.

Well, he sure showed that bartender her "proper place" by making a huge mess that I'm willing to bet she had to clean up.

As an Ugly Duckling, I think a 'who cares' option is needed.