
My first words were, either, 'eat sh*t' followed by 'f*ck off' or 'f*ck off' followed by 'eat sh*t.'

That's actually a form of synesthesia (a neurological trait) known as ordinal linguistic personification.

Correction: The law in Washington is that clubs can, either, NOT serve alcohol so they can have nude dancers OR they can serve alcohol and have topless-only dancers.

"Pain-capable Unicorn babies" Sounds like an 80's Filmation Saturday-morning cartoon.

Yay! You responded! I accidentally hit publish sooner than I'd meant to. I was going to say when I take them out, they love attention from other people.

My family had a few growing up in rural areas, where there weren't many people to really socialize them with, so they had fairly typical temperaments. I currently I have 3, and live in the city, so as puppies, I could take them with me everywhere I went. Letting strangers say hi, give treats and hold them. It worked a

The thing is, people love chow-chows. Especially chow-chow puppies. I have 3 of them and whenever I take them out in public, people stop me and want to pet them, take their pictures, and occasionally have been known to throw themselves to the ground, sobbing over how cute they are.

*GASP* I know her! Yay Nina!

So he's finally going to change his name to Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho and run for President?

'Weekend' & 'Last Act' respectively.