Uncle Iroh

But how can we preserve the English language, a steadfast and never changing independent SCIENCE of letters basically. The decimation of words to be inclusive is just MALARKY

there is no nonsense in using the Latinxs term.

Purple Cottonelle (why do they even make the blue kind?).

Purple Cottonelle (why do they even make the blue kind?).

You realize it’s his choice to play this role, right? He hasn’t been forced into it. He can say no, it should have gone to a trans woman and he was wrong.

i bet if you were waiting to be called for jury duty, and t.swift was waiting in the group with you, you’d get really fucking sick of her real quick.

but why should Kate and Kristen open twitter accts just for this? they clearly don’t want anything to do with twitter, which is sane and smart of them.

I do not say this to excuse anything, but I imagine they’re scared.

I’m not sure its helpful to try to parse out whether this is primarily about race or gender. It will always inevitably be about both, and individual motivations definitely run the gamut.

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think you can disentangle the racism and the sexism that easily. I mean, they posted a video of Harambe to her site. The racism wasn’t an afterthought.

Ok yes—there was that group that filed a title nine complaint based on something a professor had written about affirmative consent and infantilization of women. That was antintellectual, closed minded, and terrible.

I don’t understand how warning people before you discuss things that are likely to be triggering to trauma survivors with PTSD gets in the way of academic freedom. Freedom of speech is about the freedom to speak, not the freedom to be listened to even by people who will be forced to relive their traumas by what you’re

Except ... safe spaces kinda do exist in the “real” world — in the form of the anti-harassment policies in the workplace. Mine, for example, trains us once a year on how we’re not allowed to discuss race, sex, politics, etc. and gives us tons of examples of “things you probably wouldn’t think twice about saying, but

The debate over safe spaces, too, has become cartoonized, a shorthand way to complain about privileged millennials

There are no talented white girls.

When will the pasty corniness that is Taylor Swift abandon the stage and make room for actually talented white girls? I mean, she's so intolerable and a sign of the cultural decay we're living through. Je-sus, she's the worst. Her and Macklemore or however you spell that demon's name.

2 years. Episode aired late May 2014... the 22nd, I think.

i didn’t mean for my comment to be a comment on all abusive relationships. just specifically on lindsay’s situation. her drug and alcohol addiction makes her incredibly vulnerable. living life in active addiction is so dangerous. my hope and prayer for lindsay is that she is able to go back to treatment and pull

I just celebrated a week clean off of heroin (and everything else, save for methadone). If I can do it, I’d say she sure as hell can, too.

You are speaking the truth and the way people are attacking your comments on this article reflects their complete cluelessness about the dynamics of addiction and recovery. Just wanted to say that.

yeah. it’s not victim blaming, at least not the way i mean it. it’s realty. people, especially women, in active addiction lead very dangerous lives. the nature of being an addict means you are constantly trapped in one chaotic situation after another. you place yourself in extremely dangerous situations just to get