Uncle Iroh

Why do you hate love? You must not be here for the right reasons.

I still never believe in the death penalty but I’m not about to cry over him getting it.

Act superior if you want, but as someone who doesn't know who Billy Bush is, I feel like the real winner here.

open a trunk

i see quite the opposite. so often men who commit horrible crimes are automatically assumed to be “mentally ill” — ESPECIALLY when those men are white. same with white women. you and i could both come up with examples, i’m sure.

And I will say this clearly:


Here’s the thing: I wasn’t sure, based on the article, what to think at first. However, having read your comment here and others by people getting defensive and decrying this article, I am now 100% sure this is a cult.

And it looked like she married the guy so he could get citizenship in the country or something and he probably was paying her for it.

I always knew god hated socialists.

Please don’t ever tell a black person they have a “chip on [their] shoulder” about white people. Please. I’m honestly asking you to please not say this kind of shit.

So interesting that you would pull the “Did your man leave you for a white woman?” bullshit. Says a lot about you and where you’re coming from where Black women are concerned.

They are really trying to tell us what our term means just so they can act hurt about it. Being called Becky is the worst thing that will happen to a white girl today. Everybody cry for the Becky.

Nah, it’s terribly white. And Marvel has a real problem with a) women of color in any respect (and no, Gamora doesn’t count) and b) Yellow Peril tropes. Daredevil is full of them, both seasons. Jessica Jones, while great, really was terrible to all the people of color on that show. Marvel needs to do better. I’m not

Non-black POC need to stop expecting black Americans to stand up for their plights and causes when they never show their fucking faces when something is going on for us. Nor do they combat anti-black American biases within their own communities.

I would like for people, esp. other people of color, to stop acting as if black people are in this privileged position where everybody takes our concerns more seriously than they take the concerns of other marginalized groups.

Shine on, you crazy diamond! SHINE ON!

What the fuck is happening with these comments? Where am I?

One of the main side effects of collagen injections is loose lips.

Uh, Supernatural is a show about two white dudes fighting demons. All the women are supporting characters that frequently die to teach the male leads a lesson or “push them forward”. It is as traditional an approach to a genre show as you can get. The network isn’t taking a risk with that formula, its fans do not