Uncle Iroh

“See kids, I got you this puppy, I’m so much better than your mom! Name him? No you can’t name him, I already named him David Ortiz.”

Straight people using slurs like dyke and faggot and their derivatives isn’t just “kinda” problematic. It’s wrong. Even if the person doing it is a good person or it happened a long time action, it itself is still wrong. I don’t think we need to drag that stuff up when it happened years and years ago and when the

chris’ evans’ recent apology about the BW slutshaming he did while drunk and doing press was great, too. unlike jeremy renner’s, which was the jeremy renner of apologies.

Everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is... maybe he didn’t?


Except parabens are not proven carcinogens. There was one incomplete study that showed a possible connection. Other studies have not shown that. It is also worth noting that parabens occur naturally in foods like blueberries.

I just love to com on feminist site and see women use the same cliche dude bro excuse men use for cheating. You have all internalized misogyny so much that it’s not even funny. You are all pathetic. The dude is a shitty dad because he is a shitty dad. He doesnt need Kourtney to baby him so he can take good care of his

she’s always wanted a lot of kids and she probably wanted them all with the same babydaddy. i don’t think her nagging is unwarranted because he goes out partying often to the point of black out. who wants a guy like that to father 3 children. BUT they aren’t even in a relationship... she needs a dad and he loves his

Have nearly your entire family ordered executed in the name of communism and you might feel differently.

I have an intense hatred for Atlanta stemming entirely from the fact that it takes, like, 4 hours to get around it because the traffic is hell and everyone drives 100mph and they cut you off and they just smash into each other like no big deal and it SUCKS SO BAD I HATE IT SO MUCH. do know that bisexual and pansexual aren’t the same thing right?

Yeah, the mental illness arguments and transgender comparisons are really grating on my nerves at this point.

This is the best and cherry scent is my favorite!

This is the best and cherry scent is my favorite!

Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair getting that tint of white!…

Batiste Dry Shampoos! The spray is tinted in several different shades so you don’t have to worry about your hair

I will add as well, the reason statements like this rub people the wrong way is because many people feel that Jezebel has a frequent/almost perpetual low level hostility towards WOC that is not always worth calling out. So when someone only speaks up to talk about how sad the rift and fighting is when a larger thing

He’s a crazy bastard, but I love most of his books. I would watch the fuck out of 50 Shades if he wrote the screenplay. Ana’s inner goddess would be portrayed as the demonic Furby from Lunar Park. And it would be amazing.

White women are just as terrible as white men.

Homie, did I just step into a Morton factory because the level of saltiness is just sky-high. Relax. The original comment, while annoying, can be forgiven because I recognize people are people with varying emotions and reactions. However, her apology was piss-poor and did nothing to explain anything but her need to