
Thanks for this guide. I'll be going to Seattle next spring and am considering using Air BnB. This is something I'll have to print out for future reference.

I really like the second tip. I had let a friend sublet my apartment after I moved into my new place and asked her to give me a check for the amount of rent as collateral.

Maybe discuss working out a payment plan with him? Or when the two of you go out to eat, make sure he always pays. (that way you can get your money back in food!)

As far as I know, Chase and Charter One don't charge for this service.

This is why daily text alerts are a beautiful thing (if your bank offers it.)
I have Chase and it's set up to email me if my checking gets above a certain amount (so I can transfer the surplus into my savings) and to text me if it gets below a certain dollar amount.

Game room/library! <3

I know, right?

Haha! This is my situation. Only instead of family, I have 'friends' telling me I should pressure my bf to marry me now, instead of seeing if we want to get married after I finish grad school. I was actually told by one 'friend' that I should get married asap because if the bf and I break up after grad school "I'll be

Matias One. It's $100, but it's something.

And that's the #1 reason poor women have to wait until "late" in their pregnancies to get abortions.

Legit question: once you've dumped your cup out are you supposed to rinse it off immediately?

Wow. Sorry to hear about your friends.

It's true that you make due with what you have. Circumstances be damned.

Best birth control ever: shopping for a baby-shower gift. Shocked me into not wanting kids any time soon. #truestory

Well then! I'm glad your company got an even better employee out of the deal! I love it when a new team member exceeds expectations. :)

Aww. I feel sad he missed out on an opportunity (partially) because of his lack of a stable job.

I think those both need to be combined into a new myth: "Be realistic with your expectations."

That makes sense. Although even when my dad did freelance IT work, he made sure to have at least one long-term contract to show he could hold a job.

Now if only I had a car so I could make it to the gym during my lunch. :)