
I'll have to ask about that. Thank you for the advice!

I'm sorry that those things happened to you, but I'm happy your life has become a success story. *applauds*

Spit: Yup really! Another weird and delightful one, for sure. Saliva will take out a blood stain, which is a great thing when you're on the go and don't have any other cleaning products handy.

Who's the author?

Ugh, I just got told by my manager that I didn't "socialize enough." I just looked at her and said "ok. I'll try harder." while I thought "excuse me?! The reason I have THE top number of productivity is because I don't spend all day chatting with people!"

Yup. That's pretty much how my face has always been too. Even my parents would ask me (age 6) "what are you upset about?" and I'd be like "nothing, I'm just being chill." (I was an awesome 6 y/o)

Maybe he was writing an epic about his weekend in Vegas? But now you've stifled his creativity.

Well then you were obviously an attention whore or banging all of them. You owed it to this nice guy a chance to take you away from it all.

How dare you speak to your friends instead of him? Don't you know that men are always a higher priority than women? /end sarcasm

Uggggh I hate the "slamming into someone to meet them" trick. Once at a club my friends thought it would be funny to shove me into someone who I was trying to work up the courage to talk to. I ended up apologizing profusely, buying the person a replacement drink, and walking away sheepishly.

Nope. It's called justification for divorce. (Or leaving him and taking all your shared shit, if you aren't married.)

This woman is my hero. lol

"Nice hat! It really detracts from your male pattern baldness." :)

But but... Push up bras! D:
(totally being sarcastic)

I just wished that they hadn't taken the project page down so quickly. I would have loved for the names of the backers to be available publicly.

It's kind of funny, but I've noticed that one way you can tell a civil rights issue is going to be "solved" soon is when Texas women get involved.

Possible reasons for not getting an abortion until after the 20th week:

For some reason I text in my sleep on occasion. The only way my bf really knows I've fallen asleep is when I start texting random words/letters.

I don't know. I just don't feel passionate one way or the other about the mug. It's not like it's promoting <strike> rape </strike> drug abuse.

This is why I love having free coffee in the office! <3