
True. I'm sure your life experiences will help you the second time around, should you choose to go back to school.

First, that professor is a jerk. Although he is not alone in is jerkiness. You probably should have sought out a new adviser at that point.

I've tried the shower method, and it doesn't really work on larger wrinkles.

I can't really answer that. I don't know enough about attending weddings to say one way or the other. Although in my personal opinion, it seems like maybe he should have saved that gift certificate to give at the wedding.

Honestly, I was in the exact same position for the last 2 years. I had worked in food service and minor administrative aide jobs. Even when I got the awesome job I have now, I felt like I was a failure because I started the job at 24 and was in an entry-level position.

And with that I'm jealous of Canadians again.

Um... I "get" the concept, but I think it would be something I'd actually use if it were plain black. (It kind of looks like an old-school doctor's bag!)

Thanks for the advice. My mom's side of the family does have this issue, so it's likely I have it too.

Geez. And I thought I was splurging by spending $40 on a pair of winter work boots.

Are those pills on the side of the bag???

I did not. That just makes this situation even more horrible. "The more you know" *cue shooting star with sad face*

Because when boys get blackout drunk, sharpies come out.

How do these people have a television show? How can these powerful successful women get on TV and victim blame?

Wait. "With young women" surely she meant to add "protecting the safety of" in the middle of that sentence. No?

Um. No thanks. After attending a burlesque class with my (skinny and attractive) female friend, I don't think I could ever be mostly naked around most of my friends.

So adorable! I love shar pei's. :)

I agree it was a tacky gift.

World's heaviest alarm clock?

On a related note, I'm a morning person but I have a HORRIBLE time sleeping through the night. I usually go to bed between 9-11pm but wake up 4 or 5 times during the night. Even when exhausted.

Same problem here. The bf works the night shift (11pm-7am) so he doesn't "wake up" until 5-7pm usually.