
I can verify that even having a reptile in your bedroom can have the same effect.
I have a Russian Tortoise and if the lights don't wake me up (they're on a timer) then his incessant scratching on the walls wakes me up. (I usually feed him at the same time in the morning before I leave for work.)

That's a great solution! Normally I just ask the bf what's wrong and then change the subject when he says "nothing." This usually leads to him getting upset later.

Okay, first let me apologize. I misread your second paragraph as saying that the person in the minority didn't have the right to complain. That was totally what I was basing most of my anger off.

Seconded! You don't know how many times my friends and I have been threatened with violence after telling a guy we'd been talking with that we have a sig o. (not at the bar mind you, this just happened to me when I was waiting for the train the other day.)

Let me guess, you're white, middle class, in college, (single!) and probably still live with your parents.

Do you recall the incident involving inappropriate comments made by two guys at a professional programming conference (I believe it was for Phenix) a few months back?
The woman reported them to the proper authorities, and the guys then "outed" her after they got fired. This poor woman ended up receiving threats of

I'm not saying people who are "pro-life" are misogynist, but I do believe they are narrow-minded.

Don't forget the whole not going on dates anymore thing! Although on the plus side, you can finally gain all that weight you've been struggling to keep off while you were dating.

First, I hate to be the one to tell you, but if you are for banning abortion you aren't "pro-choice". If you want the choice to go through with the procedure to be removed, you really aren't giving women another choice.

You win the internet for just taking the time to research this topic and help spell it out for us not smart people. <3

/sarcasm You just don't understand! Women never masturbate! Plus, since women don't count as people, they aren't included in determining what makes someone "human" /end sarcasm

Thank you! I'll go onto your forums tonight. Sadly my job has that site blocked.

So I was lucky enough to buy an Acer Iconia A100 that suddenly stopped working. When I tried to reset it after a freeze, I just got the "dead droid" error image.

I don't think it's formica. It's some sort of textured plastic. :-/

Now THAT is an idea I might be able to get away with. :)

Sadly I don't have that much freedom. Although I wonder if I could get a blotter sized whiteboard...

Aww... :(

How do you prepare your desk so you can use dry-erase markers on it? I love that idea!

Wait. So this is just like going on regular first dates... but with homework?

Both these women have the resources to "fix" their issues.