
ahahahaha i'll take it!

I find that picture strangely sexy. Are you single and ready to mingle?

I should be upset about this, but i'm not.

A young Chamomiles Davis received this cassette on Christmas 1983. Considering the other albums given to me that year were "Can't Slow Down" and "Pipes Of Peace," it wasn't difficult to figure out which one I played over and over again.

I agree. This is a big problem in stadiums everywhere: D.C., San Antonio and the Liberty Town, Boston and Baton Rouge. Tulsa, Austin, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Francisco too.

It's like Huey has been reading my mind. I think a lot of it has to do with attention spans getting shorter, and most people's constant need to be stimulated. I agree with Lewis that there's nothing wrong with a timeout or between inning break where you can actually talk to someone, hear the ambient crowd noise,

God, I miss Nancy Faust at Comiskey.

Now playing

Let's also remember some of the other, different bad times.

I knew PEDs were rampant in professional wrestling, but this is a horrid side effect.

Despite his smug bombast, user Patriots2007 only went 18-1.

Anna was originally charged with a hit, but it was later ruled an error.

Thankfully for Kris, Paul Dejongh was never within earshot of any of his general managers.

Well, I'll say this for them: the Selsen Blue cartel really knows how to send a message.

Once again, a boring soccer game ends in a 1-1 tie. Not sure why they didn't have a shootout to decide it, though.

Wait, what do the real victims get?

Well that's about as cynical as you can get...

Boston media helicopters following a white Bronco: 1.