ahahahaha i'll take it!
ahahahaha i'll take it!
I find that picture strangely sexy. Are you single and ready to mingle?
I should be upset about this, but i'm not.
I agree. This is a big problem in stadiums everywhere: D.C., San Antonio and the Liberty Town, Boston and Baton Rouge. Tulsa, Austin, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Francisco too.
It's like Huey has been reading my mind. I think a lot of it has to do with attention spans getting shorter, and most people's constant need to be stimulated. I agree with Lewis that there's nothing wrong with a timeout or between inning break where you can actually talk to someone, hear the ambient crowd noise,…
God, I miss Nancy Faust at Comiskey.
Let's also remember some of the other, different bad times.
Let's remember the good times.
Despite his smug bombast, user Patriots2007 only went 18-1.
Anna was originally charged with a hit, but it was later ruled an error.
Thankfully for Kris, Paul Dejongh was never within earshot of any of his general managers.
Well, I'll say this for them: the Selsen Blue cartel really knows how to send a message.
Once again, a boring soccer game ends in a 1-1 tie. Not sure why they didn't have a shootout to decide it, though.
Wait, what do the real victims get?
Well that's about as cynical as you can get...
Boston media helicopters following a white Bronco: 1.