


...and they are changing their name to CyPhi.

I hope this means no more B-movies. It's one thing to accidentally make a movie that's so-bad-it's-good, but a whole other to try and do that on purpose.

Now, how do we get MTV to play music, History Channel to tell history, and The Learning Channel to give us some learnin'?

I'm incredibly grateful Keanu never got the live action version made.

Not sci-fi or fantasy by any means, but Mark from Peep Show just can't keep from fucking up constantly.

Nell, honey, why do you keep digging your hole even deeper? What are you trying to accomplish? What is the point of all this??


actually it was an "EX WIFE" get it right or pay the price

I threw a halloween party on Saturday and my roommate (who runs in a different crowd) invited a bunch of people who showed up as things like "sexy eeyore". I almost threw them out.

There is nothing funny about Adam Levine; he is a serious man engaged in serious pursuits, like throwing seriously sexy Halloween parties.

This is my fear. I am going to my first Halloween party as an adult on Friday and am going to be face-peeling (undead) flapper (Combines aspects of my two favorite show- Walking Dead and Boardwalk Empire). My dress is not short or revealing, but I plan on putting a lot into the scary makeup. I am worried that I will

Now playing

Six String Samurai: a Buddy Holly lookalike carries a guitar, a sword, and protects the kid on his way to Lost Vegas to compete to become the new King of Rock n Roll, and fights cannibals, abandoned Russian troops-turned-gangs, and bowling team assassins along the way. Pretty film, but it's pull-out-your-own-teeth

You know who else doesn't like that bit of speech?


Also one of my favorites but for introducing the series in an hour rather than the two hour format of the pilot I like "Out of Gas". Gives you the interaction, shows you how they came together and a glimpse of why they stay as well as providing a gut-wrenching story that is bound to keep newcomers on the edge of