
I’m of the opinion that restaurants should have to pay servers a living wage and tipping should not be mandatory.

20% people! Even if the food sucks (not the server’s fault) and even if you didn’t like the service you received (it’s a shit job and I don’t expect to be waited on by a circus monkey). I also tip more on breakfast and lunch if the bill is cheap because an extra $5 can make a difference (spoken from past experience).

I had to look up how the hell they’re doing this “therapy”. Per Forbes:

Stefon is so good becaues Hader is trying so hard not to break, but Mulaney knows exactly what to spring on him that will get him to do it.

“how the hell an ethics professor misses the red lights”

Bible Thumper.

My husband and I are in the process of trying to buy our first house. We got our mortgage offer so we know what ballpark to look at price-wise, and we just found a house we’re kind of falling in love with. I’m trying really hard not to get so attached to it becuase it could totally get snatched up, but god damn you

I would completely expect this kind of result in a bridge that was assembled in “less than a day.”

Perhaps inconveniencing traffic for a bit longer would have been worth it.

I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future engineers learn about in class.

I watched Mannequin recently and the most empathetic character in the film is Roxie, the protagonist’s ex-girlfriend. Dude was a talentless sociopath and then she had to deal with her sexually harassing boss and then watch as the aforementioned talentless sociopath rocket to success in the industry she climbed the

I don’t know how Miranda is not the state hero of Devil Wears Prada. Andy’s friends are the very worst, happy to harp on her trying to work until her job gives them pretty things they can’t afford. Her stoner boyfriend is measuring out his life in ounces of Jarlsberg. And then Miranda, who is supposed to be the

The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

Omg I have always watched that scene where she “kills the mood out of fear that he’ll spill beer on her Italian silk couch” and thought that would be me. He really would have spilled the beer. I just couldn’t let that happen. I’ve thought about that scene a lot and have tried to work against my calling as a neurotic

I have a friend who was a pilot and is also a dog owner — he never puts his dog on a plane and told me not to either. He said that along with the temperature issue, sometimes cargo holds just plain lose air pressure for short periods of time. Even if I end up taking a longer trip, I’d rather pay for a month of

His knack for selecting the worst possible person for every role is incredible. It’s amazing how the president is embracing the worst things the US has done while actively rejecting everything good about the country.

After throwing my nose up at bubbly water (yes, an anti-sparkling snob who drinks tap), I chastised myself recently for my narrow thinking and bought a case of Perrier in a bottle at Costco on a whim.

You can’t make a blanket statement like that.

My biggest advice is to NOT start with edibles, that’s a common beginner trap. Edibles take longer to take effect (and it varies by person) and you could easily take too much and not feel great (and once you eat too much, not much you can do to fix it) I know some are squeamish of smoking, but once you get past the

Hunger or thirst will do that to you. I will forever maintain that the flat, bland, caffeine free, and near frozen diet coke I had after one particularly long and humid day of working outside was the best drink I have ever had.