Conservatives: “More laws around abortion and immigration and drug use!”
Conservatives: “More laws around abortion and immigration and drug use!”
They’re making far too many assumptions here. How full and happy of a life is that child going to have if it’s born into a household that doesn’t have the resources or abilities to raise it and, instead, tried to do what was best and couldn’t because of bullshit laws? Or, wind up in the foster care/adoption system…
No amount of legislation will prevent a woman hellbent on getting her hands on an abortion from getting an abortion.
It must always, always be reiterated: the driving ethos behind anti-abortion legislation and and activism is the control and domination of women. The potential babies, their “welfare,” do not fucking rate.
A well regulated uterus, being necessary to the insecurity of male congressmen, the right of women to seek medical care, shall be infringed.
lol, literally making their own Council of Ricks
Right! We’ve already seen that Rick doesn’t even accept other Ricks as sufficiently Ricky. Canonically, thinking you’re like Rick makes the real Rick hate you.
The dumbest thing about that Real Ricks thing is that the second you want to see yourself as being like Rick you have immediately failed at being like Rick. Rick is himself. He is the most Rick like Rick there is. That is the whole point.
That Facebook group of people who think they’re “like Rick” is ironic since Rick himself hates organized groups and the people who feel like they need to be a part of one.
“believe” and “rationalize” are different things and my mind he “rationalized”. I work in male-dominated nonsense and I am pretty much done accepting “I didn’t realize”... “Guys don’t MEAN what they do”. It’s now it’s simple rationalization.
He may not have called them bitches, but he sure as hell didn’t respect them. I will never understand the Hefner apologists - it is no coincidence that Cosby and Hefner were best buddies and at least one of the Cosby rapes happened at the Playboy Mansion.
........Olds will remember the notorious Blind Item from the filming of “Interview with the Vampire” in which Tommy was so intimidated by Brad’s real Bulge (I saw the Brad/Gwyn nudes) that he stuffed his pants’ front with a bulge so ridiculous that the crew laughed out loud.....
The law is that you can get an abortion in the first two trimesters (third only for extreme health cases). No explanation to the government is or should be required.
IIRC, the entire bodice was a tear-away, and he was supposed to pull it off, leaving her in a bikini or something. Instead, the inner bit came off too, exposing her boob (which conveniently had a pastie over it). The entire thing was stupid—Was Janet Jackson in a bikini too supposed to be shocking and thrilling? That…
You’d figure after 14 years they’d be allowed to show one boob on any TV after 8 o’clock. But nooooo. Meanwhile Gotham is Chopping peoples hands off and exploding them with RPGs in prime time.
It’s a sad state of affairs when this country was incensed because they saw a tit on TV, yet saw fit to put a dick in the White House.
Remember that time that Tim Allen got busted for drunk driving?
I’ll stay in the Thelma and Louise car over taking this fucking bill thank you very much.
I honestly wondered if *she* had a necessary c-section and has dealt with sanctimommies (she is in Los Angeles, among rich white people, at yoga studios and whatever the hell they’re doing these days), and was trying to make a joke about it - like, ha, yeah, so lazy.
Isn’t Jon Snow already ice and fire together if he is Targaryen and a Stark?