Oh god. I actually kind of liked her and now with this whole interview and that...
Oh god. I actually kind of liked her and now with this whole interview and that...
What the ever loving hell is that?
Weird things make me laugh. I don’t care if you talk about your dick, your vagina, your poop or the role of isolationism that helped lead into WWII.
Well hello neighbor!
Ah that’s a professional shoot. When you see her in her videos- she looks just like us with flat hair.
These pictures are gorgeous though. And I’m sooooooo glad she won. I’m just sad that she’s not in my district so I couldn’t vote for her :(
I think seeing some integrity makes us believe he is worthy of the snatch, so therefore he gets the snatch.
Hello fellow Lady!
IF we have undeniable proof that votes were changed, and enough were changed to sway the election, and IF the government actually gives a fuck about it—-
I really wanna say Courtney Cox....
While that’s true it won’t help if the peasants can’t afford to buy the crops as is.
I think any effort they would have put into prepping went into the War of 5 kings. So any extra supplies went to outfitting the armies. Now, they’re fucked.
I remember awhile ago people flipping because she threw herself a “29th” birthday.
Yeah I’m not going to watch it ever. Which is sad because since Scandal I’ve gained an appreciation for Zoe Perry, but I can’t do this.
Oh. That is weird...
One good thing to say about the Sheldon spin-off.
Do I know you from another website?
I agree. We need to stop looking at what Hillary did “wrong” and start focusing on how to reach the moderates- the conservatives looking right now in abject horror. But voted Republican because abortion or Jesus or something.
Exactly! That was kind of my point.
Not a very good candidate. Accurate. She wasn’t super likable.