Lady Commentariat

It’s been so frustrating in my town where restaurants completely took over sidewalks forcing pedestrians to choose between walking amongst unmasked people or into busy streets and there are many places with restaurants on both sides. Add lots of locals who refuse to mask and going outside is genuinely distressing for

This is the first week it’s felt like autumn and I am so ready to go buy and bake some squash right now. I might do this for Thanksgiving, too, seeing as I’ll be by myself this year (thanks, pandemic).

100% this

It’s petty and superficial as hell, but I’m glad both she and Melania seem to be morphing into him. They deserve his ugly mug.

Really the only thing keeping me going right now is the fervent hope that if we’re able to vote Trump out despite all of the voter suppression fuckery and dodge violent responses from the White Supremacist militias, we hold every Republican in the House and Senate accountable through the court of law (once we manage

And I made it gendered, too, because that also matters.

Now I’m imagining the mayhem that would result online if there was a tree law bonsai case.

Don’t worry, the world will tell this little black girl to shut up and calm down soon enough.


I have huge nostalgia for the first Zelda, but every time I’ve tried to come back to the series as an adult, I just couldn’t get into it. But Okami I replay at least once a year.

I’m glad that she’s gone on the record with this, but I hope she’s also taking action elsewhere (donations to orgs that support victims of abuse, using her clout to push for change on her projects going forward, etc.). She may already be doing so, but I’d like to see more celebrities who realized they fucked up do

Growing up a post-Vatican II Catholic kid, I feel like the church has been pro-sex (within marriage only and no birth control) for a bit, so this doesn’t surprise me. I do wonder if they’ll ever come around on birth control. Abortion will be a much harder sell, but I’m curious (but not enough to even Google) how many

My family used to vacation on the North Shore and it’s probably the nicest Safeway I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, they were. They posed for rowing photos knowing they weren’t on crew. At least the other one is smart enough to keep her head down—so much so that I don’t know her name. 

I mean, the the kids aren’t going to prison, they just had the fact that they cheated to get into school made public as part of a trial and got kicked out. Teens across this country are locked up for less. (And no, I don’t think they should be, either.) No pity here at all: they face reasonable consequences.

Even if I cared, I wouldn’t be angry about a gym/yoga studio because it’s got to be cheaper and more practical for them to have a private one given security requirements and costs.

Honestly, the only reason they have even 0.01% of my attention is because they make the Imperial racists so angry and I am petty.

It’s freaking depressing that ten years ago, I would have been like, “Let this guy talk and self-sabotage his political career,” but here we are in the year of our Anti-Christ 2020.

I don’t know about Fezzik, but I could see Ed Asner doing the (great) grandfather.

Heaven forfend there should be a sex worker character who is happy and well-respected in their work. /s