Lady Commentariat

With Roe vs. Wade overturned and SCOTUS basically saying privacy is no longer a right, how is giving a tech company more personal health data a good idea? As the article mentions, this could track ovulation, which is now very sensitive data and could be used to prosecute people. Blue state residents shouldn’t be

And I keep re-reading as “Polonius.” Not a character I’d listen to, either!

My guess as a Xennial is because some of us were bullied for the music and media we liked, and some people wrongly feel like others should have to...I dunno, suffer? to enjoy the same things like they did. It’s pretty selfish and just perpetuates completely useless but harmful grievance cycles.

LOL, Tori is 100% the musical descendant of Kate Bush. /Tori fan

Yeah, no, that’s not how it works; like so many conditions, bad reporting, irresponsible media coverage, and biased research has lead to a lot of profoundly wrong public misunderstandings. You can learn more here:

I haven’t watched this yet so I won’t speak to the performances (I want it to be better than the review because I love her and she works her ass off), but re: production issues, I have to wonder if this could be Covid-related? Despite the silence from the media, there are som indications we’ve started a new surge, and

And given io9's similar downward trajectory, it’s no surprise that I went from visiting these sites multiple times per day to maybe once or twice a month.

Also Sisko and Dax! Friends for three lifetimes is something. (Also a punt for Janeway and Tuvok.) ETA as great friendships not mentioned here, not as frenemies.

I was with you right up until you got into the ableism. Not all austistic people find it difficult to relate to other people. It may be that Musk’s particular experience of autism does, but it’s not an across-the-board thing and it just reinforces that false idea that autistic people can’t be trusted in positions of

I’ve really been enjoying Pluto. Generally not quite as many ads as today’s broadcast tv (although it depends what channel you’re on...some of them are almost as relentless. Looking at you, ATK), but enough that I forgot all the little chores you can get done during a break.

Particularly a white wealthy one.

Disney is not hurting for money. They could leave that money on the table and still be raking in gargantuan piles of cash.

I mean, Disney is a huge part of US (and to a lesser extent, global) culture, so every decision they make is inherently political. Stories about whom, told by whom? Who gets to do what kinds of work? What do they get paid? Where are the parks? Who is welcomed? What do they merch, how do they promote it, and who do

It’s turned into a Spotify clone. (No, seriously I signed on for a trial period and the UI is basically Spotify with a different skin.)

If it really was all about celebrating international sports, the IOC would do what many of its critics have suggested and pick one or two permanent locations for the games...but they never will because they’re narcissistic parasites.

Thing is, there are plenty of comedians who can play a smarmy asshole without actually being one.

Don’t forget the racism and sexism, either—they come bundled for free!

I like Futurama a lot, but god, lay it to rest already.

Cox was great and I’m happy to see that they’re bringing him back. I’d love to see Ritter and Colter come back as I thought they were both perfectly cast as well. I’m still sad we never got a DD+JJ team up because their characters’ bickering chemistry was the best part of Defenders.

Love Tatum’s passion for the role, but I just can’t seem him in the part. Gambit always struck me as verbally quicker and physically more slight. He’s built for most other male superheroes; shame this is the one he really wants.